


  I will have a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.I have three days.

  On Friday, I will go to BBQ with my classmates who throw a celebration party at our middle school principle's flat.

  On Saturday, I will go visiting my uncle's family with my parents. We go to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai.

  On Sunday, I will go shopping with my cousins. We will buy some brand name t-shirts and pants.

  All in all, I will enjoy my May Day Holiday in many ways.



  Today is may day. I'm on a whim. If I want to do something for my parents, I want to do the dishes for them.


  Prepare to wash dishes, I first wet the dishcloth, then wet the dishes and pour the detergent into them. Use the dishcloth to wash the greasy dishes from the inside to the outside. After that, clean them with water and put them away. There are still a few pairs of chopsticks to be cleaned. I turn on the tap, rub the chopsticks with my hands, and they will be cleaned.


  Today, I helped my parents do housework. I'm so happy!



  Plans for the May Day.

  May Day is coming.In order to have a happy holiday,we students all have a plan for it and they differ from one to another.Some students think their studies are very heavy,so they should take good use of the holidays to review the lessons.Some believe that they should have a good rest ,for they are very tired from the studies.Others say they are going on a trip to another city during the May Day.There are also some students who would like to stay at home.

  In my opinion,we should have a good rest during the holidays so that we can have more energy for our studies when we return school.






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