




  So happy with you gently hug, let difficulties you Guaiguai Road, let the secretly Zoudiao trouble, let the good luck to you all the attention, let the happiness for you always smile! Happy 61!


  Life smile, innocence forever; to feel comfortable, have fun; everything better, innocence forever; Children's Day, wish you the best of luck, healthy happiness, I wish the children happy holidays.


  One day go far, the evolution of one night, a year to go far away a return to the childhood. A miss, a letter, a message sent to you a happy children's day!


  Children's Day approaching, I will give you the six: a basket of pistachios, a strain flower of happiness, a Hong Chong Road, a successful horse, a piece of Ji Xiangyun, a wishful brush. I wish you 61 happy!


  Childhood is the most wonderful thing in the life of the stage, then the child is a flower, is also a fruit, is a hazy smart, a never income activities, a strong desire.


  Children's Day arrived, you may return once pure reproduction, childhood innocence, a return of the past innocence, lost child, follow the school-age children happy feet, then a cheerful, happy Children's Day happy.


  A candy, hit and run tears; a story and coax you to sleep; if the wronged, take mouth is flat nose; if uncomfortable, has been chipping away around. 61, the baby should laugh.


  Put down the sophisticated sleek, let alone for our spiritual baptism; put the mature steady, let's release the Pssure for us; Children's Day, may you maintain a childlike innocence, I wish you a happy boundless!


  Children's life, is the game of life; children's world, is the world of the game. I wish the children happy holidays, Study hard, every day, all like a model.


  Wukong painting a circle, Tang Seng security; Deng Xiaoping drew a circle, Shenzhen prosperity; you draw a circle, you wet the bed again. Children, happy holidays!


  61 61, the recollection of childhood, think about fun, Zhaozhao laughter, find find innocence, Syrian news, laughter is not reduced, infinite happiness, laughter and lovely, blessing is still, greetings to: Children's day happy!


  Wish is the wind, happiness is the sail, the blessing is the ship. The wish of the wind, blowing a happy sail, carrying a small friend of the blessing of the boat, floating to the happy you, gently greetings: 61 happy!


  Children's Day, please listen to me: I miss is not a holiday, but the share of innocence; my collection is not the memory, but the joy; I give you not SMS, but a blessing.


  We abandoned the most Pcious things in life, but in time chasing buckish; really want to relive, but everything is never to see each other again. Cherish your childhood, I wish you a happy 61!


  A goddess in the moon smiles, eight quit soul out; Huang a smile, Guo Jingxin jumped; Ming a smile, trick settledly wonderful; you if a smile, nose to run. I wish a happy children's Day!


  The passage of time, going through the vicissitudes of life, hope you can maintain a childlike innocence; the seasons, the world changes, hope your playful will never change; sun and moon change, ebb tide, in the hope that you can put bedwetting kicking the habit! Haha, I wish Children's Day happy!


  So happy with you gently hug, let difficulties you Guaiguai Road, let the secretly Zoudiao trouble, let the good luck to you all the attention, let the happiness for you always smile! The little girl, happy Children's Day!


  Heart is still, every day happy!


  May happiness sweet honey and happiness be covered.


  Happy children's day, happy forever.


  Tong qu tong zhen regression, eyebrow happy taste!


  An idyllic scene in good season, sunny and pleasant flowers; the peony in full bloom swallow, Rose Michelia Cherry ripe; the grand ideals of morale drum, cherish high aspirations to achieve industry; a young soul saffron, Huan Teng dance celebrate children's Day!


  Heard you very adorable, children's festival, here I wish you: happy like the snowball snowball, troubles like ice cream to eat less, income like kite flying high, life like candy more chewing delicious!


  Childhood is far, the continuation of the playful; abandoned annoyance and innocence to pick up; back child, vigor and vitality; Tammy big Yue, give courage to the foot. May 61 happiness always be with you!


  To maintain the innocence, to bring good luck; maintain a childlike innocence, happy kiss; keep the childlike happiness, often in maintaining peace; to keep the child; Tong Yan, permanent health now; I wish you had children, happy Children's Day.


  Children's Day, regain the warm memories, the fuel into the fairy tale cottage, forget all the unhappiness and boredom, to put a fake remnants of innocence, enjoy the spiritual massage. Wish you happy!


  A blossoming flowers, it is the mother's eyes. In the mother's eyes, you will always be my mother little baby, little angel! My mother will always love you! Happy children's Day!


  Day hope you are happy like a teapot on the stove, although small Pipi burned the boiling hot, but still blowing happy whistles, braving the well-being of the bubble, the music Pidianpidian! I wish you a happy children's day!


  May the morning sun will illuminate your future, may the summer breeze make your summer cool, wish the message to make your life auspicious; I wish the children since the festival is happy!


  Have a happy children's day, the old urchin yue shu xin.


  Happy children's day, I wish you were a boy again, connected!


  Every leaf has a happy memory, every flower has a happy occasion, in our childhood playful garden once again childhood memories. Happy children's day, my children's day!


  Bright bud bud, tender exceptionably Cheung, next to the road far flung, growth of course all over the jungle, you are the pillars of the motherland. 61 soon, I wish a brilliant future!


  When looking forward to: wake up, just get up; grow up hope: wake up, people in the classroom. Dear, children's Day is coming, no matter what wish, wish you happy every day a kind.


  As pure as a child, you are innocent. As happy as a child, you are lively, fun like a child is your lovely, like a child bedwetting is used to you! Haha, I wish you a happy Children's Day!


  Children's day, wish you to put down the burden, the simple life.


  Children's day is coming, send you a happy heart!


  May you have the happy like children, permanent happiness.


  Send you a small kite, fly to relax yourself!


  Do a always happy children, happy children's day!


  Little angel! Mom will love you forever! Happy children's day!


  Friend, you would like to forget the worry, embrace happiness sweet!


  Children's day coming, may you be always spend as smile!


  Send you a childlike innocence, let you worry, less happy.


  Like a child to climb stairs, climbing the peak of life.


  You would like to enjoy life with a childlike innocence, happy harvest.


  May you always have a childlike innocence and laugh everyday.


  Children's Day is coming. May you and your children be happy and healthy.


  Childhood is a song without sadness, singing your memory of my innocence;


  Let the innocence purify your troubled mind, more free and easy; let the childlike interest increase your life interest, more happy;


  1、兒童節快樂的英文:Happy Children's Day!



  Todayis 1st,June.Lets say Happy Children's Day to each other!







  1、小大人們祝你們節日愉快,智慧與年齡一同增長。   2、兒童節快樂,永遠童真的你!願你永遠保持一顆童心。   3、兒童的生活,是遊戲的生活;兒童的世界,是遊戲的世界。   4、祝小朋友們節日快樂,好好學習,天天向上,個兒象個模特。   5、成年人和兒童在一起童心常駐,兒童和成年人在一起容易成熟。   6 ...

建黨節的英文單詞 建黨節的英語單詞怎麼

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  1、If I know what love is, it is because of you.   因為你,我懂得了愛。   2、Ill think of you every step of the way.   我會想你,在漫漫長路的每一步。   3、Every day without you is l ...


  英語寫信日期寫在信紙的右上角。英文書信的格式及信封的寫法為在信紙的右上角寫上日期,非正式的信件年代常省略,正式的書信則不只會寫上年代,還會把發信者的住址寫在日期的上方,接下來在信紙的左方寫收信人的稱呼語再接著寫名字,稱呼語寫完後通常會先空一行才開始寫信的本文,本文結束後,再寫上結尾語。   英語寫信時要注 ...


  舉例:   1、這幅畫畫得十分逼真。   This painting is really true to life.   2、她畫畫不行。   She is a poor painter.   3、這幅畫畫得不怎麼樣。   This isn’t much of a painting.   4、畫畫得先打個 ...