


  1、Dear Li Ming,

  2、I’m writing to congratulate you on your success in passing the university entrance examination。 You’ve done a good job。 Guessing that you may be excited about the new beginning, I’d like to give you some suggestions on your coming university life as well。

  3、To begin with, it is advisable for you to master some computer skills for information technology is playing an increasingly important role in our society。 Next, emphasize should be given to English learning due to the fact that a high English level is valued in university。 Lastly, not only will you need time to study, you are also recommended to socialize。

  4、I genuinely hope that you will take my advice into consideration。 Wish you a richful university life!


  Zhang Wei


  1、My Classroom 我的教室

  My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What color are the fans? They are blue. At the corner, there is a shelf, many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much.

  This is my classroom, it is very nice. I like my classroom very much. Do you have a nice classroom, too?




  1、It is quite often seen that many students walk their pets on campus nowadays. For the owners, it is really good enjoyment and happiness. But for the other students, it may not so good. As more and more students bring their pets to campus, a cry for forbidding the pets brought to campus is higher and higher. For me, I think the owner shouldn’t take their cute pets on campus for the sake of clean.


  2、Firstly, keeping pets in dormitory will make dormitory smell bad and cause noise pollution. Pets couldn’t go to toilet and flush their waste as human does, so they just urine everywhere, which makes the place smelly. Besides, pets can make lots of noisy which is annoying especially at night. For other students who live with the owner, it is absolutely a disaster for they have to suffering from both the terrible smell and the disturbing noise.


  3、Secondly, raising pets can be time-consuming and even affect their study. For students, they are supposed to spend more time studying. If they put their focus on their pets, then they will have less time to study. Not to imagine that they will do good in their study.


  4、In conclusion, I don’t think it is good for students to raising pets on campus in consideration to the good of the public hygiene and also their improvement in their academic performance.



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