



  A B C D E F G

  H I J K

  L M N

  O P

  Q R S

  T U V

  W X

  Y and Z

  Now you know your ABC

  every body sings with me

  A B C D E F G

  H I J K

  L M NO P

  Q R S

  TU V W X

  Y and Z

  Now you know your ABC

  every body sings with me

  2、《happy birthday,生日快樂》

  Happy birthday to you

  Happy birthday to you

  Happy birthday, happy birthday

  Happy birthday to you

  3、《London bridge倫敦橋》

  London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.

  London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.

  Build it up with iron bars, iron and bars, iron and bars.

  Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady.

  Iron bars will bend and break, bend and break, bend and break.

  Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady.

  Build it up with pins and needles, pins and needles, pins and needles.

  Build it up with pins and needles, my fair lady.

  Pins and needles rust and bend, rust and bend, rust and bend.

  Pins and needles rust and bend, my fair lady.

  Build it up with gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver.

  Build it up with gold and silver, my fair lady.

  Gold and silver Ive not got, Ive not got, Ive not got.

  Gold and silver Ive not got, my fair lady.

  London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.

  London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.

  4、《Jingle bell鈴兒響叮噹》

  dashing through the snow on a one-horse open sleigh

  over the fields we go

  laughing all the way

  bells on bob-tail ring

  making spirits bright

  what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight

  jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way

  oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh

  jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh

  a day or two ago i thought i d take a ride and soon miss fanny bright was

  seated by my side the horse was lean and lank misfortune seemed his lot he got into a drifted bank and we, we got upsot

  jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way

  oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh

  jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way

  ohwhat fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh

  jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way

  oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh

  jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a


  1、《big big world》是艾密莉亞的一張英文音樂專輯。

  2、《Trouble is a friend》來自澳洲Electronic-Rock團體Decoder Ring中的優質創作甜美女歌手Lenka演唱。該歌曲由Thomas Salter作詞作曲,收錄於專輯《Lenka》中,發行於2008年9月。

  3、《My Love》是Westlife(西城男孩)《Coast to Coast》專輯中的一首單曲。它是西城男孩成名歌曲之一,也是該組合在英國音樂排行榜上第7首獲得冠軍的單曲。








  1、Twinkle,twinkle,little star。這是一首非常著名的英語歌,相信看過《爸爸去哪兒》的家長們都知道,其旋律出自法國民謠《媽媽聽我說》,歌詞出自泰勒的英文詩歌《小星星》,這首少兒英語歌曲節奏比較輕柔,難度也不大。   2、hush,little baby。這是一首非常溫馨的搖籃曲,非 ...


  1、You Are Not Alone 永遠相伴   2、Free loop 管不住的音符   3、Trouble is a friend 麻煩是朋友   4、Yesterday once more 昨日重現   5、Angel 天使   6、a little love 一點愛   7、bye bye 再 ...


  1、《小了白了兔》   這首歌曲是一首比較好聽的兒童歌曲,是由葉洛洛演唱的一首歌曲。裡面的歌詞比較可愛,最近大家在刷抖音的時候可能會刷到這個,這首歌曲可以用來哄小孩子睡覺,不錯的搖籃曲。   2、《晚安喵》   這首歌曲是一首旋律比較動聽的歌曲,是薄荷映像作詞艾索演唱的一首歌曲。這首歌曲的聲音萌萌噠,聲音 ...


  1、《小了白了兔》   這首歌曲是一首比較好聽的兒童歌曲,是由葉洛洛演唱的一首歌曲。裡面的歌詞比較可愛,最近大家在刷抖音的時候可能會刷到這個,這首歌曲可以用來哄小孩子睡覺,不錯的搖籃曲。   2、《晚安喵》   這首歌曲是一首旋律比較動聽的歌曲,是薄荷映像作詞艾索演唱的一首歌曲。這首歌曲的聲音萌萌噠,聲音 ...


  1、學習英語的過程中,家長們切勿讓孩子死記硬背,一定要從側面去引導孩子,這樣才會成功激起孩子的學習興趣。一味地逼著孩子學習英語,只會讓孩子加深對英語的厭惡感,這樣的行為反而會適得其反。   2、英語學習方法是鍛鍊自己的興趣,興趣能夠很大程度的增加一個人的學習能力,所以興趣的培養就變得很重要了,興趣的培養可 ...


  1、sober(清醒)   2、acacia(相思)   3、Drink to wind(對風飲)   4、Body on the ocean(身擁海洋)   5、Ambition(野心)   6、Habit(習慣)   7、Blind(盲目)   8、The dream of you(夢裡的你)   9 ...


  1、簡單英語小故事——老人和老貓   An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mo ...