


  1、The letter they were looking forward to _________ at last。

  A. arrived B. arriving C. had arrived D. arrive

  對於此題,基礎稍差的同學可能選D,認為空格前的 to 是不定式符號,所以後接動詞原形;基礎稍好的同學可能會選B,知道 look forward to 是短語,意為 look forward to “盼望”,其中的 to 是介詞,而不是不定式符號,所以後接動名詞;只有基礎紮實、語感好、而且細心的同學才會選A,誠如上面所說,look forward to 中的 to 是介詞,而不是不定式符號,所以後接動詞作賓語時,要用動名詞,而不用動詞原形。但問題是此句中的動詞 arrive 不是介詞 to 的賓語,而是句子的謂語。句子的正解分析是:the letter 為句子主語,they were looking forward to 是修飾主語的定語從句(介詞 to 的賓語是引導該定語從句的關係代詞 that,被省略),arrived 是句子謂語。

  2、he professor you referred to _________ just now。

  A. comes B. come C. coming D. came

  答案選D,句子主語為 the professor,you referred to 為修飾 the professor 的定語從句,空白處填 came,為句子謂語。

  3、he theory he sticks to _________ to be of no use in our studies.

  A. proves B. prove C. proving D. be proved

  答案選A,he sticks to 是修飾主語 the theory 的定語從句,句子的基本結構為 The theory proves to be of no use in our studies。


  1、I went to visit the American author who wrote a number of books about China.

  2、I ate the soup my aunt prepared.

  3、I have an arrangement with my bank, by which they let me use their money and repay them next month. 

  4、He sent her a letter, in which he said that he was sorry for what he had done to her. 

  5、Mr. Brown, who just came from Britain yesterday, will teach us accounting this term. 

  6、She is going to spend the winter holidays in Hainan, where she has some relatives. 

  7、The United States is known for its supermarkets, where huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold.

  8、The story happened in late 19th century, when China is suffering from the invasion of western powers.




  3、當從句的謂語動詞是be或相當於聯絡動詞的seem, become等時,可用as或which作主語。但當從句的謂語是行為動詞時,只能用which作主語。


  1、hat引導的定語從句作用:可以充當從句的主語、賓語、表語。   2、關係代詞that可以引導限定性定語從句,修飾代表人或事物的先行詞,但不能用於引導非限定性定語從句。   3、that在英語中是一個非常常見的單詞,它之所以常見,不僅僅是因為它是一個在生活中常常要用到的字,更因為它的用法相當的多。 ...


  時間狀語從句和定語從句區別如下:   時間狀語從句:用表示時間的連詞連線一個句子作狀語,這樣的主從複合句就是時間狀語從句。這裡要注意一點的是,如果主句是一般將來時,從句只能用一般現在時表示將來意義。   定語從句:一個簡單句跟在一名詞或代詞後進行修飾限定,就叫做定語從句。通俗來講,從句在整個句子中做定語, ...


  1、定語從句分為限制性定語和非限制性定語從句,非限制性定語從句在句中主要起補充說明作用,在非限定性定語從句與主句之間往往有逗號隔開,獨立存在,確實也不會影響整個句子的意思。   2、who引導的非限制性定語從句,who引導的非限定性定語從句在句中作從句的主語,eg. Our guide,who was a ...


  1、when指時間,其先行詞表示時間,在句中作時間狀語。如:This was the time when he arrived.   2、where指地點,其先行詞表示地點,在句中作地點狀語。如: This is place where he works.   3、why 指原因,其先行詞是原因,起原因狀 ...


  1、He liked the people whom he lived with.whom只能代替賓語。   2、He liked the people with whom he lived. 把with 和 whom 連起來,加上he lived,放在一起修飾the people。   3、注:介詞若是 ...


  1、關係代詞that ,which ,who 和whom在定語從句作主語,賓語或表語,也就是說,如果在定語從句中,缺少這些成分的話,就用這些詞。關係代詞whose在定語從句中做定語。關係副詞where ,whenh和why在定語從句中充當狀語。我們知道,定語從句的結構是(先行詞)+關係詞+定語從句。關係詞 ...


  1、引導限制性定語從句和非限制性定語從句:   as多與such 或the same連用,可以代替先行詞是人或物的名詞。   as 也可單獨使用,引導非限制性定語從句,作用相當於which。例如:The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see ...