


  1、Little Prince" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encountered all sorts of people。

  2、Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it,the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination。

  3、Through this we can easily become conceited person, but also easy for the offensive,There drunkard, but also a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, I would like to re-occupy the possession, finally left with nothing。


  1、If,for example,you come at four oclock in the afternoon,then at three oclock I shall begin to be happy.I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances.At four oclock,I shall already be worrying and jumping about.I shall show you how happy I am!


  2、It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.


  3、Where are the men?the little prince at last took up the conversation again.It is a little lonely in the desert…

  It is also lonely among men,the snake said.



  4、The stars are beautiful because of a flower that cannot be seen.


  5、My flower is ephemeral,and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world.And I have left on my planet,all alone!


  6、What moves me so deeply,about this little prince who is sleeping here,is his loyalty to a flower–the image of a rose that shine through his whole being like the flame of a lamp,even when he is asleep…



  1、You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…


  2、If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, Somewhere, my flower is there… But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important!


  3、Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…


  4、For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…


  5、My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!



  1、《小王子》這本書我鍾情於它,這是一本哲學童話書,第一次品讀,就被吸引住,沒有離奇曲折的經歷,更沒有驚天動地的壯舉,用心靈交流讓我微笑與哭泣。它講述了一個略帶傷感的故事,小王子與他的玫瑰花發生糾葛,負氣出走,進行了一場“星際旅行”,他走訪了不同的星球,見到了形形色色的人和事,這些人篤定自己做的是“正經事 ...


  1、《小王子》主要由兩大部分構成,一部分是小王子的旅行,對自我,對真實世界的追索,就如他在旅途中所看到的,那些對權利追求的國王,那些對虛榮,對金錢,對懶惰貪婪的酒鬼,他是感到厭惡的,憎恨的,小王子他是一個善良的人,他有一顆童真搬的心同時他也是執著的,以至於他旅行各個星球,尋找他內心純真的,美好的,有意義的 ...


  1、You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…你知道的—當一個人情緒低落的時候,他會格外喜歡看日落……   2、If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows ...


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  對大多數戀愛中的人而言,戀愛是場美麗的童話,不過總有人不解風情,和這樣的人談戀愛就不能期待太高,否則只能是越期望越失落,那和哪些星座男女戀愛最讓人鬱悶呢?   魔羯座   剛開始和魔羯座戀愛的時候,你會為他們的成熟穩重和可靠所征服,不過和他們戀愛沒有瓊瑤沒有浪漫,他們永遠都很冷靜,很溫柔的的牽著你散散步, ...


  80%:火星在獅子座、天蠍座、雙魚座   火星跟效能力有關,火星獅子座跟火星天蠍座對性的慾望以及要求比別人更多,   火星雙魚座只要遇到很溫柔的物件,就會立刻被瓦解,性   35%:上升在火象星座(白羊座、獅子座、射手座)   風象星座的行動力比較差,但是上升火象星座的人比較有行動力,而且比較沒有中心思想 ...


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