


  1、Whats the matter with you?

  2、Whats wrong with you?

  3、Whats up?

  4、How are you?

  5、Hows it going?

  6、How are you?

  7、How do you do

  8、Whats up with you?


  1、be drunk;;be in drink;例句:They booted him out for being drunk at work.他們把他解僱了,因為他工作時喝醉了酒;2、The man was in his cups and talking very loudly.那人喝醉了酒而高聲說話;

  3、You could tell from his slurred speech that he was drunk.從他那含糊不清的話語中你就知道他喝醉了;

  4、He got really fried at the party last night.他在昨晚的晚會上真的喝醉了。


  1、上星期日我去了鄉下翻譯為:I went to the country last Sunday。

  2、Sunday(Sun.)—Day of the Sun(太陽日,星期日)。 是耶穌復活日,因此西方把這一天看作最神聖的日子,稱之為“ 主日”。公元4世紀,在制訂羅馬曆法時,羅馬皇帝君士坦丁大帝把這一天定為合法假日,後被世界各國廣泛採用。也許因為是一個公眾假日,給人一種特別的感覺,所以產生了許多同名電影、雜誌刊物,甚至於商品商標等等。


  1、“都說了沒用”中的沒用是一個詞語,用英語說是:useless。   2、都說了沒用:It'suseless。   3、沒什麼用英文:it'snothing。   4、例:It'snothing,ijustdidwhatishoulddo.   5、這沒有什麼,我不過是做了我應該 ...


  1、If you don't mind, could you tell me your age?   如果你不介意,可否告訴我你的年齡?   2、Would you mind disclosing your age?   你介意公開你的年齡嗎?   3、Would you like to tell ...


  1、“都說了沒用”中的沒用是一個詞語,用英語說是:useless。   2、都說了沒用:It's useless。   3、沒什麼用英文:it's nothing。   4、例:It's nothing, i just did what i should do.   5、這沒有什麼 ...

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