


  1. because of you i believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a mianmianzhizhong traction. noe styles yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover!

  2. you are the sun in my heart but it began to rain; you are the moon in my dream but it etimes think do a pig is also very good.

  3. my mother and i said i like you i mandment: i quit smoking quit immediately eat ted to heaven having a mianmianzhizhong traction. noable future; think and you go mountain climbing is full to the ideal of the vacant; think and you to drift but not the happy heaven; want to go shopping with you has been the police refused he said: don\'t walk a dog!



  The best state of life is to be stupid.


  April Fools day, blessing, laughter and joy!


  Today is your holiday, I wish you a happy April Fools Day!


  April Fools Day is coming. Are you ready.


  In April Fools day, its important to grasp the scale.


  Seeing you smile, I cant help lowering my head.


  Its normal for experts to be fooled by others.


  On April Fools day, I am not a fool.


  In fact, the right person, April Fools day every day!


  Stupid live with happiness, and stupid live with good luck.


  I dont care about you, just wish you a happy April Fools day.


  1. Because of you I believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Noe styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover!

  2. you are the sun in my heart but it began to rain; you are the moon in my dream but it etimes think do a pig is also very good.

  3. my mother and I said I like you I mandment: I quit smoking quit immediately eat thal strong and easy-to-carry concealed not weapons and other characteristics--shoot you use the most appropriate!

  4. psychological test: If you and the coward race you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fool\'s Day!

  5. Shaceng said: I have 1 change! Journey said: I have 32 change! able future; think and you go mountain climbing is full to the ideal of the vacant; think and you to drift but not the happy heaven; want to go shopping with you has been the police refused he said: don\'t walk a dog!


  1. 天氣預報:今天夜間本地區會下人民幣,西北方向有時有支票,區域性地區還會有金塊!氣象部門提醒市民備好大麻袋,準備發財!祝愚人節愉快!   2. 可憐的手機使用者,非常遺憾,由於您確認了此條簡訊,所以傳染了愚人節細菌。現在細菌衣著統一精神飽滿佇列整齊,正邁著矯健的步伐透過你的身體   3. 中國行動通訊 ...


  1、你的燦爛笑容長留我心中,你的親切話語永伴我左右,你的熱情激勵鼓舞我前行,你的真誠幫助溫暖我心房,在這感恩節來臨之際,真誠的對你說聲:謝謝   2、感謝姐妹,幫助引導我健康成長,支援我走過青澀歲月,扶持我完成學業,在我困難的時候,伸出她們溫情的手。祝節日快樂!   3、愛,融入母親的乳汁,哺育我成長;愛 ...


  1.天天路過你的身邊,卻一直沒有進去看望過你.今天我終於決定鼓起勇氣,敲開你的辦公室:老闆,感恩節快樂!   2.你的關懷,在我生活裡就像一盞燈,照亮了我的心靈,使我的生命有了光彩!祝你感恩節快樂!   3. 賜予我生命者,賜予我一粥一飯者,賜予我無盡關愛者,我心中都存有無限的感激。在今天,在這感恩節;也 ...


  愚人節搞笑祝福語2020   1.與你偶遇,慌亂的我不知所措。你含情脈脈的雙眸,我無法迴避。我明白你的心。我拼命跑開你卻緊緊相隨。我哭喊著:誰家的狗沒人管?愚人節快樂!   2.徵婚啟事:男,本科,只差幾分;在跨國機構上班,麥當勞擦桌子;有房,多人擁有;有車,非機動;覓貌美女青年共赴黃泉,若干年後。    ...


  愚人節搞笑祝福語   1、愚人節到了,祝天下愚人大智若愚,愚者更愚,愚得快樂,愚得其所。祝愚人們愚人節快樂。   2、你如果收到本資訊,證明你手機已感染病毒,請馬上取出手機卡,並用汽油刷洗。   3、日出+日落=朝朝暮暮月亮+星星=無限思念風花+雪月=柔情蜜意流星+心語=祝福萬千你+炭火=飄香乳豬。    ...


  愚人節手機祝福語   1、 這是一首李白的詩,請大聲朗讀:臥室春綠,握梅又聞花,我只會中第,邀文臥室睡,臥室知春綠、   2、 經過《深度觀察》,我發現我愛上了你!我多想穿越《東方時空》,和你《面對面》,討個《今日說法》,並《實話實說》的表白:我愛你,cctv!   3、 尊敬的使用者:您好!因你的手機外 ...


  2022愚人節的祝福語精選   1. 其實,你很美,美得能嚇鬼;其實,你很帥,花見都不開;其實,你很牛,賽跑超蝸牛;其實,你很酷,愚人節這天很靠譜,愚愚的,嘿嘿,節日快樂!   2. 祝賀,你的手機號被幸運的金蛋砸中,榮獲特等獎。請攜帶身份證原件,戶口本原件,一寸照片兩張,速來我處領獎,過期不候。獎品:手 ...