


  1、The Spring Festival like Christmas Day in the western countries, is the most important festival in China. Children like it very much because they can have delicious things to eat, pretty clothes to wear and many nice things to play with. When Spring Festival comes, people away from their hometowns usually come back and spend it with their families. People mainly do two things during the festival. One is eating, and the other is playing. They usually buy different kinds of food and make different kinds of delicious dishes, and play in different ways.

  2、In the spirit of setting things straight, all account books should be balanced, debts paid off, and houses cleaned before New Year’s Day. Then houses, businesses, and streets are decked and draped with banners, flowers, and scrolls of vivid red, a traditionally lucky and demon-dispelling hue. People exchange red-wrapped gifts, most commonly the hong bao-cash enclosed in a compact red paper packet-and offer their friends propitious edibles such as red dates (whose Chinese name, hong zao, sounds like the words for “prosperity comes soon”) and tangerines ( whose Cantonese pronunciation, kat, sounds like that of the word for “lucky”).




  As the new year begins , let us also start anew.


  A song of spring is like the sea, thousands of door lights the night as bright as day.


  Firecrackers ring out the old year, Spring Festival couplets million spring.


  (1)I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a newremembrance of our lasting friendship.


  (2)With best wishes for a happy New Year!



  1、Christmas ,annual December 25, it is the Christian that commemorates the life that Jesus emerges, called Christmas Day. It is Christmas Day during the festival on January 6 of next year since December 24. During Christmas, the Christians of various countries hold the grand memorial. Actually it was the Christians festival on Christmas Day, because people extremely paid attention to, it becomes one festival for the entire people, it is the most grand festival in one year of western countries, can equate with New Year , the similar our country spends the Spring Festival。



  1、春節的來歷:傳說,有一種叫年的野獸,每當寒冬將至,出來食人,使人不得安寧。人們在與年的搏鬥中,這種兇惡的猛獸怕火光和響聲,於是,人們想了一個辦法, 在年出現時,便燃起大火,投入竹節,燃起熊熊大火,年聽到爆竹的響聲,便逃走了。以後,人們開始以掛紅燈、放爆竹、吃年飯來慶祝新年。   2、春節前的準備(臘月 ...


  1、My “Cock” Clock   Hello! My name is Dongdong. Do you know I have a nice clock? It is a beautiful clock. It is in my bedroom. In mfact it is an alarm cl ...


  1、春節習俗:掃塵   “臘月二十四,撣塵掃房子” ,據《呂氏春秋》記載,我國在堯舜時代就有春節掃塵的風俗。按民間的說法:因“塵”與“陳”諧音,新春掃塵有“除陳布新”的涵義,其用意是要把一切窮運、晦氣統統掃出門。每逢春節來臨,家家戶戶都要打掃環境,清洗各種器具,拆洗被褥窗簾,灑掃六閭庭院,撣拂塵垢蛛網,疏 ...


  1、關於健康的英語名言:Alightheartliveslong.(WilliamShakespeare,Britishdramatist)豁達者長壽。(英國劇作家莎士比亞.W.)   2、Earlytobedandearlytorise,makesamanhealthy,wealthyandwise.( ...


  1、“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.”   “感恩不單是美德,更是美德之母。”   2、“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and ...


  1、春節和年的概念,最初的含意來自農業,古時人們把谷的生長週期稱為“年”,《說文。禾部》:“年,谷熟也:。在夏商時代產生了夏曆,以月亮圓缺的週期為月,一年劃分為十二個月,每月以不見月亮的那天為朔,正月朔日的子時稱為歲首,即一年的開始,也叫年,年的名稱是從周朝開始的,至了西漢才正式固定下來,一直延續到今天。 ...


  1、Time flies.   時光易逝。   2、A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.   少量的常識,當得大量的學問。   3、Knowledge is power.   知識就是力量。   4、Wisdom in the m ...