


  1、Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster “Nian”.

  2、On the eve of the Spring Festival, families get together and have a big dinner. Dumplings are the most traditional food.

  3、The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Happy new year”. People enjoy the Spring Festival, during this time they can have a good rest.

  4、Children like the festival very much, because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their elders. This money is given to children for good luck.







  The Spring Festival, is one of the most lively year in our country, is also one of the most important festival. Pair of early, the street exhibition, fu character, paper-cut, candy and other necessities brought me a little bit hit.

  From the twelfth people officer eat sesame seed candy, we began to prepare for the holiday. One day, the family sat together and our children admire always wanted to taste sweet and crisp of the sesame seed candy. But total want to wait for grandma go to the kitchen god worship a turn, to eat yo. It is said that in this way can the kitchen god god say good thing.

  December 24, families and house. Mother to clean up the house early dry static, this is for the New Year has a new look. After twenty-four people busy to kill the fish, gizzard meat, steamed buns, for necessities.

  Whenever the twenty-nine, families have to go shopping to buy Spring Festival couplets, have turned themselves shop flick spring paper splash-ink, will decorate a new house in the portal. Also treats the Spring Festival couplets, couplet, subsidiary, etc. It neatly, dual, concise and delicate words to describe time background, express good wishes, is a unique literature form in China. Spring Festival couplets real popularity began in the Ming dynasty, is associated with the advocating of zhu yuanzhang. Zhu yuanzhang one year to prepare for the holiday, ordered to stick a spring couplets, every door. The original Spring Festival couplet inscribed in the peach wood, then rewrite on the paper. Peach color is red, red is lucky, ward off evil spirits, so most Spring Festival couplets written on red paper.

  In the year, to break out of firecrackers decorated festive atmosphere more strong. After lunch, set out a delicious meat, the family was package dumplings, gay men rolling skin, kids when transport, mothers are responsible for making dumplings. Grandma put COINS into the dumplings, to see who is the most blessing. When plates of belly belly of dumplings at the table, you find your satisfied dumplings, mouth bite, hope I can walk good luck. Finally, the dumplings with blessing or eaten by dad.

  New Years eve, every household to eat dumplings, we eat dinner early and watch the Spring Festival gala, in front of the TV is shou sui.

  The first to people these days, is our children the best time to money. Every day is not stay at home, grandpa is in grandmother home, in the words of my mother, is not home all day, but we still go and jolly.

  February, we this New Year to the dragon head ended. Although puyang is not big, but it also like many big cities, busy celebrating the Spring Festival, allison stayed put it off again.












  A few days ago, I got to know something through the picture book of coronavirus sent by my teacher. Its a kind of virus transferred from animals to human body! This virus has infected many people now, most of the infected people will have fever, cough, dyspnea, serious life-threatening!


  Now there are many doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to treat patients every day. They are very, very hard! So if we want to help them, we can only fight against the virus if we protect ourselves. You must remember that you must wear masks and wash your hands frequently when you go out. Do not go to crowded places! After the Spring Festival, we can go to school and play happily!


  I know that only by doing it myself can I do no harm to others! Also hope that the sick uncles and aunts can recover soon!


  1、The Spring Festival comes after New Year's Day.It's usually in January or February.It's the Chinese New Year's Day.The Spring Festival ...


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