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  The New Year‘s meal is also prepared from the end of December.During the New Year‘s Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Year‘s Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.On New Year‘s Day,people fiest greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.


  Today, its a day to celebrate, and well be here to finish the last party here, and finally in the classroom this year...

  At the beginning, Wu Shixiao, Hao Kejie, Confucius, and Wang Zelong first said the opening words and began to perform.

  The students are: The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea Gexianshentong, some magic, some singing, but I still love two pieces hit the wall and the neighbors.

  On the wall is a bunch of women ah! Tavia Yeung Guo Yingzi, who starred in, Tavia Yeung started to make Guo yingzi hit the wall, the result of a local hit the water, a local Zachu electric, later want to hit a closet, the next king of Hanyu attracted, the original house next door also in the decoration, just do the closet, smashed. Then, a person came out again, after the later play, only to know that Tavia Yeung and Guo Yingzi were wrong!

  Neighbor, is our boy star, Hou Zehua, Zhou Hangjian, Ji Xiao Xuan and others starring. Hou Zehua gave people showings, results are two neighbors Zhou Hangjian, Ji Xiaoxuan to recognized as a thief, then the owners, Luo Shengji came back, at the most critical time saved.

  The party will open up a fresh outlook is generally, especially the last, casually over, this time with Liu Mingshuos auction, but in the end, several of us put the ribbon, a big banger party, but the class flower, dont you know that spray too hard, even a computer screen with it!

  At the end of the party, we went back to our homes. This party is really fun!


  Look! The classroom of our class is colourful, the glittering ribbon on the glass looks bright in the classroom. A string of big balloons appear round classroom chubby, garland on the lamp is bright and dazzling brilliant purples and reds. We are here to spend the last New Years Party of my primary school career.

  Seven of our presenters are read at the opening of the shine with happiness. Look! The little photographer in our class is taking pictures for us! Our program is really colorful and unique. The cheerful and unrestrained dance is pleasing to the eye; the graceful and elegant singing is delightful; the humorous and funny sketches are long aftertaste. The classroom is a lot of laughter, applause and endless, wonderful!

  Jia Siqi, Li Jiali, Han Jiarui performing "breathe" dance won everyones applause. I took a camera and gave them a beautiful dance. Look! The three of them are the envy I looked in good out of a bandbox. Im going to be addicted to photography this time, the left one, the right one. Cool! Mom! The headmaster and a few leaders come! Its amazing. We have several students in high spirit to stand at the door on both sides, with me a password "salute!" we have several students at a king in fine Fig. "Finish!" the principal and several leaders came in, we ringing loud said: "welcome, welcome, welcome......" We act to make the leaders laugh.

  At the end of the party in the classroom more than 70 balloons together "pops" burst, the new years party is in a lively atmosphere drew to a successful conclusion.


  Section II on Friday afternoon class, long-awaited New Year‘s party officially started!

  Class did not use the color bars and other decorative bells and whistles too, but posted in each window of the bars and I think these little decorated than the other classes Rounds. The rescheng of the class seats are also a bit in the middle leaving a lot of neutral gear, give the students performances. Because I came relatively late, sitting in the last.

  New Year‘s Day party started, and Ning-Ling and Zhou Zhengyang come for a very boring speech. Finally, the first on the program began. Programs are more, I can not describe each of the following I will highlight a number of given me a deep impression on the program bar.

  Zhou Zhengyang walked classroom center, said with a smile: Here, there are requests I Zhengrong, Hu Yi-dong, Wang BenBen, DONG Bing-sing for our speech that we are very familiar pop songs - Pungent . Thunderous applause, students They are excited, and some even knock on the table when the drum. They are four you push me, I pull you will come up. Four lined type, a man sang a has begun. Days, they are too timid, and even dare to sing Jay Chou‘s song, not to mention classes and Wang Jia Lao teachers are at the scene, how they dare to sing? ! Hu Yi-dong made a start gun, he did not sing loud noise, but the first one to eat crab people need courage; the second is king Ben Ben, he changed the past of the fierce, turned into a very m applauded. Because they have the head, back, and Zan Wu Ching-hui brazenly sang on Jolin Tsai‘s Thirty-Six Stratagems of love.

  There is also a program is performing sketches Gong contingent. She speaks of the vivid, very funny, and she mimics the voice of an old township 8, really, as it is the opposite! Her performance won the rounds of applause and laughter, I really worthy of a female comedy king!

  Time off really fast, turned away for New Year‘s Day party is over. I‘m so


  Time is like water in the river, but it can only go away. In an instant, the new year is coming, in order to celebrate the new years day, our class held a party to open up a fresh outlook.

  Evening, I went to the classroom early find the classroom, the students all take on an altogether new aspect, smile, say hello to bursting with happiness, with each other, the roof covered with riotous with colour balloon, like a red smiley children. The window is hanging on the students carefully cut the window: a naughty monkey, the hare and the mighty tiger, all very true to life, vivid. The most striking thing is to write a few big words with color chalk on the blackboard: Celebrating the new years day. There is a breath of joy everywhere.

  The party opened the curtain in the warm applause. The first program is composed with a talent for music with sweet to sing us a song "childhood", her beautiful voice deeply touched us, let us out, heard the sound of outer space. Then, by Luo Zhongxiang and Zhou Guoqing has acting talent show "the rabbit and the turtle race", they are what we in the audience full of sound and colour, with rapt attention, as if he had been brought to the vivid scene. The most wonderful is "martial arts" Li Kun performing martial arts, he first turned a few Gendou, has been turned over to the central station, and then performed his forte: hastily. The students were attracted to the attention, eyes wide, standing up and waving the arms, shouting: "one more, another one." Li Kun also performed "hang up gold hook". This unusual program received a warm applause from the students. The next Festival is more than a wonderful, applause and a burst of warmth.

  The party ended up with the students singing and laughing, this is really a happy New Years day.


  1、愛與誠信的感恩,婚紗攝影凝聚愛人最燦爛的笑容。   2、雪橇上的婚紗攝影,聖誕老人友誼觀禮。   3、物以稀為貴,人以惜為真!婚紗攝影讓您與身邊最珍惜的人留下永久的記憶。   4、品位典雅,尊貴選擇。美麗新娘從這裡走出,幸福婚姻從現在開始。   5、鍾愛一生,魅力人生。   6、恆愛耀聖誕,真情暖人心 ...


  1、這款主持詞主要分為開場白、過渡語、結束語三部分,充滿激情、感染力強、全面實用。   【開場白】:   主持人甲:尊敬的各位領導,   主持人乙:親愛的同事們,   合:大家晚好!   主持人甲:在繽紛的焰火和歡快的樂曲中,2020年向我們走來。辭舊迎新之際,我們總是百感交集、思緒萬千。   主持人乙: ...


  2022年長沙電影小鎮跨年元旦有許多好玩的活動等你前來打卡,不僅有星空煙花秀,還有城堡電音趴、跨年雜技團等許多跨年活動,長沙電影小鎮跨年夜門票價格及活動詳情請看下文。   1、活動時間2021年12月31日-2022年1月2日   2、活動彙總星空煙花秀   2021.12.31-2022.1.02    ...


  書店暑期活動的廣告語如下:   1、還在等什麼?酷日當空,還不買本書去看看!   2、在這個不適合郊遊的夏日,難道不要過休閒精神生活了嗎?   3、買本書去,不管你是在舒爽的空調裡,還是在樹蔭下,讓書帶給你一個涼爽的世界。   4、只有夏季才有的最實在的精神補給,來看書,忘記酷暑。   5、書是人類進步的 ...


  1、黃金週不產黃金,五一節卻有五折!   2、男女式時尚t恤衫xx元。   3、五心大禮,五一歡喜。   4、擂響五月,放“價”送“禮”   5、五一購機,三重好禮送給你!   6、站在街頭看美女,不如走進店內陪美女適合成都春熙路商家。   7、手機折上折,想都不敢想的價格。   8、勞動創造完美未來,五 ...


  1、惠聚國慶、樂享假期。   2、玩“賺”國慶,讓你笑開花。   3、國慶省翻天,就在XX店。   4、狂歡國慶,降爆XX店。   5、玩轉價期,鉅惠拿回家。   6、這個“價”期,該出手了。   7、搶購,一觸即發。   8、十一相親,價給你。   9、群英國慶惠,放價到底   10、金九銀十,分期鉅惠 ...


  綠色駕馭未來。輕鬆駕乘,吉行天下。風隨車動,炫隨心動。輕鬆行,吉相伴。風從東方來,一路更出色。暢行天地間,有我更精彩。同在藍天下 共伴松吉情。生活輕鬆節拍,時尚健康運動。一車一世界,天下盡相隨。輕鬆行天下,吉祥進萬家。 ...