

母親節英語怎麼說 母親節快樂用英語怎麼說

  母親節英語怎麼說 母親節快樂用英語怎麼說


  mother's day,


  Happy mother's Day


  1、My soft greeting, bringing my best wish to you. It is like the warm sunshine, filling your eyes and your heart!


  2、Mom, I once was a little bird by your side, enjoyed your love and care, and today I send you fragrant flowers.


  3、Mom is always the best in the world! If there were not heaven, there wouldn’t be earth. If there were not you, there wouldn’t be me! Thank you so much for bringing me everything!


  4、Mom, I love you, because you gave me life and brought me up.


  5、Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.


  6、This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother's Day.


  7、Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for you.


  8、There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.


  9、Thank you for everything over the years, mom.


  10、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother's Day.


  11、On this day we honor you, dear mother.


  12、This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you.


  13、We will try to make this your best Mother's Day ever.


  14、We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.


  15、To the world's number one mom!



  The mother line, wandering clothing leaving thick seam, Italy to the fear of delay who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments?" The famous Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao's several lines, lively and vivid expression of the mother's deep affection and gratitude to their mother.

  Mother love is great, the love of my mother 's meticulous mother not only in the everywhere in the life care, often inquire after sb.'s life, still learning encouragement, be good at giving systematic guidance mother usually tells me, great and little famous scientists study hard story, teach me to want to be example with them, learn from them, to do a a diligent, civilized, polite good all-round development of children a mother to me like the spring sunshine brings me warmth as in reading daughter, I always warn myself to study hard, with excellent results to repay his mother.

  Today is mother's day, it is Sunday, I changed the previous Sunday the habit of sleep, make one's way noiselessly to ground up, took out two eggs from the refrigerator, and then imitate the grandmother usually boiled method, in the pot with water, lit the gas stove after the water is boiled in boiling water, to beat two eggs, not while the two white oval eggs in a pot in the formation of a I turn off the gas, from the cabinet took out two bowls, each bowl with each containing an egg, a bowl for the grandmother, a bowl to the mother.

  When my mother took me on the egg, excitedly asked me:" how do you think of this to my eggs?" I smiled and said to her mother:" your grandmother and prepare breakfast for me, today is mother's day, I think I made a breakfast as a mother's Day gift for you!" Listen to me, my mother hugged me and said: " you are a good boy!" My mother and I tightly hold together, my heart welled up in a warm heat flux.

聖誕快樂用英語怎麼說 聖誕快樂英語怎麼寫

  聖誕快樂用英語怎麼說 聖誕快樂英語怎麼寫

  聖誕快樂Merry Christmas。


  Every year, December 25 is the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, known as Christmas.

  During the festival, Christians in all countries hold grand commemorative ceremonies. Christmas is originally a Christian festival. Because people attach great importance to it, it has become a national holiday. The biggest festival of the year in our country can be compared with the New Year, similar to the Spring Festival in our country.








  聖誕賀卡的誕生應歸功於亨利·科爾爵士(Sir Henry Cole),此人是倫敦維多利亞博物館首任館長。1843年,他讓一位藝術家創作1000張雕版印刷聖誕賀卡。在科爾爵士的賀卡上,人丁興旺的一家子人為節日舉杯祝酒;賀卡左右兩邊裝飾著善良的人們做好事的圖畫。賀卡下方有一個標題:“聖誕和新年快樂”。

  隨著印刷技術和郵件服務的進步,批次印刷的聖誕賀卡出現了。到了19世紀80年代,這種聖誕賀卡已經成為了美國家庭聖誕季的一部分。當人們互寄聖誕賀卡的習慣得以形成,生產商開始爭相搶佔賀卡市場。其中最有名的是德國移民路易斯(Louis Prang),他用彩色平板印刷術製作的賀卡物美價廉,佔領了大量市場份額。他經常被稱作“美國聖誕賀卡之父”。


  生日快樂用英語最簡單的是Happy Birthday。意義更豐富的表達如下:

  1、It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one. May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!


  2、The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.Happy Birthday!

  世上如有諍友, 那就是像你對我那樣關懷的朋友。祝你生日快樂!

  3、My birthday wishes to you are the warmest. May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.


  4、Wishing you a wonderful birthday.You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted.May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things,too.



  Merry Christmas.   聖誕節英語名字叫Christmas,在這一天,人們發出的祝福語是merry Christmas(聖誕節快樂),西方常見的習俗是舉辦聖誕派對、吃火雞、在準備好的聖誕樹、聖誕襪、聖誕帽等上面藏禮物製造驚喜。   雙語例句:   祝願你擁有更多的愛與幸福,聖誕節快樂。    ...


  1、父親節快樂用英語:Happy Fathers Day。   2、父親節(Fathers Day),顧名思義是感恩父親的節日。約始於二十世紀初,起源於美國,現已廣泛流傳於世界各地,節日日期因地域而存在差異。   3、最廣泛的日期在每年6月的第三個星期日,世界上有52個國家和地區是在這一天過父親節。節日裡 ...


  1、父親節快樂用英語:HappyFathersDay。   2、父親節(FathersDay),顧名思義是感恩父親的節日。約始於二十世紀初,起源於美國,現已廣泛流傳於世界各地,節日日期因地域而存在差異。   3、最廣泛的日期在每年6月的第三個星期日,世界上有52個國家和地區是在這一天過父親節。節日裡有各種 ...


  1、端午節快樂英語:HappyDragonBoatFestival。   2、例句,記住:你微笑時我的世界也微笑,祝端午節快樂!Remember:yousmilesmileofmyworld,wishDragonBoatFestivalishappy!   3、讓這件外套緊緊伴著你度過每分每秒,祝端午節快 ...


  1、端午節快樂英語:Happy Dragon Boat Festival。   2、例句,記住:你微笑時我的世界也微笑,祝端午節快樂!Remember: you smile smile of my world, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   3、讓這件外套緊緊 ...

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  “文字”一詞用英語可以翻譯為:characters、script、writing、writtenlanguage等。   文字是人類用表意符號記錄表達資訊以傳之久遠的方式和工具。現代文字大多是記錄語言的工具。人類往往先有口頭的語言後產生書面文字,很多小語種,有語言但沒有文字。文字的不同體現了國家和民族的書 ...