


















  6、Dear Sir/Madam:Hello! First of all, thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read my letter, I long Mugui famous com#pany, knowing that your com#pany strength, active atmosphere of the work, strict working attitude, very dynamic. If I can use the knowledge I have learned, for your com#pany will be my no glory. I hope my personal self introduction, for your dedication to my modest com#pany. My name is Zhang Pan, a student who is about to graduate from Hunan Vocational College of Science and Technology in 20XX 07 months of the year. Take this career, I with a sincere heart and to the cause of the persistent pursuit, sincerely recom#mend myself.

  7、Because of the courage to adventure, and tasted success fruits; because the exploration adventure, also experienced the shock and desolate rocks. But all this are exercise I as a corporate officer must have mature and courage! College life made me understand the true meaning of life. University more than three years after the baptism, not only give the me a solid professional knowledge, but also makes me in life, practice, com#municative and social com#petence was able to exercise, and lay a good foundation for the future work in.

  8、From a large began to use the weekend time to Changsha romantic life wedding com#pany do part-time staff, responsible for the wedding scene layout, lighting, outstanding performance and improve the practical work experience, and on many occasions by the company praise; in addition, the use of summer vacation time working as an apprentice in a com#puter com#pany, solid work, and won several prizes, was promoted to the Technology Department of our com#pany as a technician; second use weekend time in real estate com#pany salesman, and participated in the Changsha Fair Housing advocacy work; in addition also and students together to form a great battle group, as Yuhua District Business Manager, and Hunan Mobile Corporation Changsha branch com#panies, engaged in mobile business campus. In the work of the practice exercise the ability of management, organization, planning and other aspects, I think a person only the intelligence applied to actually work, service to the society, to the society, so to prove their effectiveness and efficiency, in order to truly reflect the value of their own! I believe and the road is one step at a time to com#e out. Only down to earth, hard work, in order to play out the full potential of people, to make more outstanding achievements, to achieve the greatest value of life!

  9、";I take the heart to open the heart, I take the fire to ignite the fire, I with the noble soul to the noble soul of the casting, I take my sincere feelings to cultivate the feelings of sincere. ";I love your com#pany engaged in the cause, eager expectations that, under your leadership, to contribute to this glorious cause, and continuous learning in practice and progress.

  10、The next page attached to the job resume, hope for the interview! Pen occasion, solemnly raised a small request: regardless of whether you choose me, and respect for the leadership, hope you can accept my sincere gratitude! Wish your career flourishing。


  自薦信在簡歷的第二頁為佳。   第一頁封面。   第二頁自薦信。   第三頁簡歷正文。   簡歷(英語:resume),顧名思義,就是對個人學歷、經歷、特長、愛好及其它有關情況所作的簡明扼要的書面介紹。簡歷是有針對性的自我介紹的一種規範化、邏輯化的書面表達。對應聘者來說,簡歷是求職的“敲門磚”。   寫一 ...


  尊敬的領導:   您好!   首先感謝您在百忙之中翻閱我的自薦信,你的關注將翻開我人生的一頁。透過對貴公司的瞭解,我願到貴公司,為公司盡一份力,以便於公司對我的瞭解,現自我介紹如下:   我畢業於某學校,學習市場營銷與策劃專業,在努力學好專業基礎課的同時,利用課餘時間參加文體活動。鍛鍊自己的交際潛力,參加 ...


  求職信共分為四種用於不同時間段,具體為:   1、申請信:主要讓用人單位看到簡歷判斷是否為求職者安排面試。在信裡需說明是否符合招聘方要求的人員。   2、資訊型信函:可以為求職者提供一次參加諮詢的機會,不同於面試。但是在諮詢會上會提供求職者想要的工作的一些情況。   3、感謝信:求職過程中很少被用到的一種 ...


     簡歷對於求職者來說相當重要,十分重要!極度重要!無比重要!現在一般找工作都是在透過網路來找,因此一份良好的個人簡歷對於獲得面試至關重要。接下來,就請隨小編我來看看我們的十二星座的求職簡歷是什麼樣的吧?   白羊座   個性直爽,不喜歡花哨的白羊,求職簡歷也是簡單明快的,就會寫一個主要的經歷,至於學校 ...


  1、開心的笨小孩   2、虛 張 聲 勢丶   3、姬〆小濺   4、涐們的幸福像流星丶   5、吾皇萬歲_萬萬歲   6、傾聽冷暖丿   7、﹡巴黎鐵塔   8、_傾月軒萱_   9、相見不如懷念〆   10、沵算what°   11、放手也是一種罪過‖   12、有妳很瞞促   13、早已▲滄海桑田 ...


  瞬間抓人眼球的求職簡歷寫作技巧俗話說,在多的能力你不能表現出來,那麼都白搭,很多人不知道求職簡歷該怎麼寫,導致面試總是處處碰壁,那麼今天我們聽聽西安齊力鐵路技術學校李老師如何講解,簡歷的寫作技巧。   你有沒有發現,我們花費了很多時間去做簡歷,總是裡面慢慢的,有很多東西,自己覺得已經很完善了,可是面上的時 ...


  親愛的媽媽:   您好!   這麼多年的操勞,辛苦了您,曾經的我太不懂事,每每遇到一點小事就會發脾氣,在生活中不如意的事情,總會回到家裡像獅子一樣的咆哮,您此時的安慰總讓我覺得不順心,就如同是您欺負我一樣的生氣,媽媽,對不起,或許這只是青春期的叛逆。   當年的青絲泛起了白霜,雪白的皮膚有一點暗黃,眼角的 ...