


  1、RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early hours of 15 April 1912, after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City。 There were an estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard, and more than 1,500 died, making it one of the deadliest commercial peacetime maritime disasters in modern history。

  2、RMS Titanic was the largest ship afloat at the time she entered service and was the second of three Olympic-class ocean liners operated by the White Star Line。 She was built by the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast。 Thomas Andrews, her architect, died in the disaster。

  3、Titanic was under the command of Capt。 Edward Smith, who also went down with the ship。 The ocean liner carried some of the wealthiest people in the world, as well as hundreds of emigrants from Great Britain and Ireland, Scandinavia and elsewhere throughout Europe who were seeking a new life in the United States。

  4、Although Titanic had advanced safety features such as watertight compartments and remotely activated watertight doors, it only carried enough lifeboats for 1,178 people—about half the number on board, and one third of her total capacity—due to outdated maritime safety regulations。 The ship carried 16 lifeboat davits which could lower three lifeboats each, for a total of 48 boats。

  5、A disproportionate number of men were left aboard because of a women and children first protocol for loading lifeboats。[8] At 2:20 a。m。, she broke apart and foundered with well over one thousand people still aboard。 Just under two hours after Titanic sank, the Cunard liner RMS Carpathia arrived and brought aboard an estimated 705 survivors。

  6、The disaster was met with worldwide shock and outrage at the huge loss of life and the regulatory and operational failures that led to it。 Public inquiries in Britain and the United States led to major improvements in maritime safety。 One of their most important legacies was the establishment in 1914 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), which still governs maritime safety today。

  7、Additionally, several new wireless regulations were passed around the world in an effort to learn from the many missteps in wireless communications—which could have saved many more passengers。

  8、The wreck of Titanic was discovered in 1985 (more than 70 years after the disaster), and remains on the seabed。 The ship was split in two and is gradually disintegrating at a depth of 12,415 feet (3,784 m)。 Thousands of artefacts have been recovered and displayed at museums around the world。


  泰坦尼克號沉沒在紐芬蘭附近海域。泰坦尼克號是當時世界上體積最龐大、內部設施最豪華的客運輪船,有“永不沉沒”的美譽 。然而不幸的是,在它的處女航中,泰坦尼克號便遭厄運。它從英國南安普敦出發,途經法國瑟堡奧克特維爾以及愛爾蘭科夫,駛向美國紐約。1912年4月14日23時40分左右,泰坦尼克號與一座冰山相撞,造成右舷船艏至船中部破裂,五間水密艙進水。4月15日凌晨2時20分左右,泰坦尼克船體斷裂成兩截後沉入大西洋底3700米處。2224名船員及乘客中,1517人喪生,其中僅333具罹難者遺體被尋回。泰坦尼克號沉沒事故為和平時期死傷人數最為慘重的一次海難,其殘骸直至1985年才被再度發現,目前受到聯合國教育、科學及文化組織的保護。


  1、1912年4月10日,號稱 “世界工業史上的奇蹟”的豪華客輪泰坦尼克號開始了自己的處女航,從英國的南安普頓出發駛往美國紐約。富家少女羅絲(凱特·溫絲萊特飾)與母親及未婚夫卡爾坐上了頭等艙;另一邊,放蕩不羈的少年畫家傑克(萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧飾)也在碼頭的一場賭博中贏得了下等艙的船票。





  安裝影片轉換器。我們如果想要轉換影片需要一些什麼條件呢?有人說是影片檔案,這當然是沒錯的,但是沒有影片轉換器我們也是轉換不了的,所以我們需要搜尋影片轉換器來進行安裝。   新增轉換影片。安裝好之後開啟軟體,這時候呢,我們就可以新增檔案,進行檔案的轉換了,有些朋友可能會不知道如何把影片檔案新增進軟體當中,那 ...


  1、1912年4月10日,號稱 “世界工業史上的奇蹟”的豪華客輪泰坦尼克號開始了自己的處女航,從英國的南安普頓出發駛往美國紐約。富家少女羅絲(凱特·溫絲萊特飾)與母親及未婚夫卡爾坐上了頭等艙;另一邊,放蕩不羈的少年畫家傑克(萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧飾)也在碼頭的一場賭博中贏得了下等艙的船票。   2、羅絲厭倦 ...


  1、泰坦尼克號的故事:1912年4月10日,豪華客輪泰坦尼克號開始了處女航。富家少女羅絲與母親及未婚夫卡爾一道上船,不羈的畫家傑克靠賭博贏到了船票。羅絲看出卡爾勢利,不願嫁給他,打算自盡。關鍵時刻,傑克救了她。傑克帶羅絲參加下等艙的舞會、為她畫像,二人的感情逐漸升溫。4月14日,泰坦尼克號撞上了冰山,面臨 ...


  1、泰坦尼克號的男女主人公的愛情故事是真的 ,不是虛構的.   2、這一真人版“泰坦尼克生死戀”的男女主角分別是當時60歲的高階建築師愛德華·肯特和52歲的離異美女作家海倫·邱吉爾·康迪。據悉,愛德華和海倫都是旅居英國的美國人,美麗的海倫則寫過多部關於女性自強的書,在歐洲小有名氣。 ...


  首先我們需要準備三個易拉罐,為了整體美觀,可選擇三個一樣的易拉罐~將易拉罐平行放倒~用透明膠帶繞三個瓶身纏至一圈,做到一個暫時固定的作用~最中間的地方鑽一個小孔,切忌不要太大,足夠竹籤穿進去即可,這個小孔是為後期插船帆作鋪墊的~   準備一張彩色的紙,裁成跟易拉罐相同的寬度,彩紙顏色可以根據自己的喜好選擇 ...


  1、泰坦尼克號海難攻擊造成大約1517名乘客、船員喪生,最後大約有7百多名倖存者存活了下來。   2、泰坦尼克號的沉沒事件,可以稱得上是航海史上最為嚴重的一次事故。泰坦尼克號沉沒事件,是非常一場巨大的災難,其影響了北大西洋所有客執行業,在此之後,各航運公司均更改了對船隻救生艇數量的相關規定,而且也是在此次 ...


  1、事件是真的,但是船裡面發生的故事有些是假的。首先船上是沒有傑克和羅絲倆位主角,片中的傑克和羅絲完全是虛構的人物。片中的愛情故事也是虛構的,出自該片編劇兼導演詹姆斯·卡梅隆的筆下。   2、除了羅絲和傑克,其他許多與他們有關的角色也都是虛構的。這其中包括羅絲的未婚夫卡利登·卡爾·霍克利、羅絲的母親露絲、 ...