



  The best state of life is to be stupid.


  April Fools day, blessing, laughter and joy!


  Today is your holiday, I wish you a happy April Fools Day!


  April Fools Day is coming. Are you ready.


  In April Fools day, its important to grasp the scale.


  Seeing you smile, I cant help lowering my head.


  Its normal for experts to be fooled by others.


  On April Fools day, I am not a fool.


  In fact, the right person, April Fools day every day!


  Stupid live with happiness, and stupid live with good luck.


  I dont care about you, just wish you a happy April Fools day.


  1. because of you i believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a mianmianzhizhong traction. noe styles yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover!

  2. you are the sun in my heart but it began to rain; you are the moon in my dream but it etimes think do a pig is also very good.

  3. my mother and i said i like you i mandment: i quit smoking quit immediately eat ted to heaven having a mianmianzhizhong traction. noable future; think and you go mountain climbing is full to the ideal of the vacant; think and you to drift but not the happy heaven; want to go shopping with you has been the police refused he said: don\'t walk a dog!


  1. Because of you I believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Noe styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover!

  2. you are the sun in my heart but it began to rain; you are the moon in my dream but it etimes think do a pig is also very good.

  3. my mother and I said I like you I mandment: I quit smoking quit immediately eat thal strong and easy-to-carry concealed not weapons and other characteristics--shoot you use the most appropriate!

  4. psychological test: If you and the coward race you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fool\'s Day!

  5. Shaceng said: I have 1 change! Journey said: I have 32 change! able future; think and you go mountain climbing is full to the ideal of the vacant; think and you to drift but not the happy heaven; want to go shopping with you has been the police refused he said: don\'t walk a dog!

父親祝福簡短 父親祝福簡短語句精選120句

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  2022愚人節的祝福語精選   1. 其實,你很美,美得能嚇鬼;其實,你很帥,花見都不開;其實,你很牛,賽跑超蝸牛;其實,你很酷,愚人節這天很靠譜,愚愚的,嘿嘿,節日快樂!   2. 祝賀,你的手機號被幸運的金蛋砸中,榮獲特等獎。請攜帶身份證原件,戶口本原件,一寸照片兩張,速來我處領獎,過期不候。獎品:手 ...

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  嘿,你們知道嗎?除夕之夜是是團圓的喜悅,是美食的享受,是煙花的壯景,馬上又是一年的除夕了,一起來看看祝福語有哪些?下面是小編為大家帶來的有關最新除夕夜守歲簡短祝福賀詞一段話,希望大家喜歡!   除夕夜守歲簡短祝福   1、美酒在幸福中搖曳,雪花在浪漫中飛舞,人群在喜悅中喧鬧,歌聲在快樂中高歌,禮花在吉祥中 ...


  1、七夕節到了,是沒有情人的情人節吧?心裡不是滋味吧?不過沒關係,我已經幫你在月老那走了後門,他說等他下崗,你的姻緣就到了,祝七夕快樂!   2、親愛的,我們認識十幾年了,我等了那麼久一直想做你的伴娘,你什麼時候能夠嫁出去呢?哈哈,但願七夕這個特別的日子能讓你遇到陪伴你一生的白馬王子!   3、夏風將思念 ...