


  1、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


  2、Never expect the perfect man, its not because that u cannot find, but just becoz there is no perfect man.


  3、Its not us to choose the opportunity, but its opportunity that decides us. When the opportunity comes, all we can do is to take this challenge. Dont say that opportunities never come. It came but u just dont willing to give up the things u own.

  不是我們去選擇際遇,而是際遇選擇我們。當際遇來到,我們能夠做的,只是接受這個挑戰 。不要說機會從來沒有出現,它曾經出現過,只是你捨不得放下自己擁有的東西。

  4、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you tryand know someone else and expect them to know you.

  在你嘗試瞭解他人和盼望他人瞭解你之前,先把你變成一個 更好的人和了解自己的人。

  5、Loneliness is different from being alone. Being alone means you just have no one beside u but loneliness means that you can not talk with others and share them with your feelings. And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.

  寂寞確實跟孤單不一樣,孤單隻表示身邊沒有別人,但寂寞是一種你無法將感 受跟別人溝通或分享的心理狀態。而真正的寂寞應該是連自己都忘了喜歡一個人的感覺。


  1、Best case scenario: I love myself ; I enjoy living ; I smile because I’m happy not because I have to.最好的情景:愛自己;享受生活;發自內心的微笑。

  2、Only the best can follow ones inclinations.This is the best state of life.只有隨遇而安,才能隨心所欲。這是最好的人生狀態。

  3、After I met you, I opened my eyes to the flower fields and closed my eyes to the stars.遇見你以後,我睜眼便是花田,閉眼是星空。

  4、No one can take away whats trurly yours;so if they took it away, it wasnt yours. Something better is on its way!屬於你的,沒人能拿走;能拿走的,都不屬於你,更好的一定會到來。

  5、A bird is safe in its nest — but that is not what its wings are made for.小鳥在巢中最安全,但翅膀可不是為此而生的。







  1、Start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow.   用新的希望開啟每一天,釋放掉不好的回憶,相信明天會更好。   2、Faith is the“etern ...


  1、我的愛為你開啟,像白色的閃電劃破天際。Myloveisforyoutoopen,likewhitelightningpiercedthesky.   2、幸福右邊、荒蕪人煙。Therightsideofhappiness.   3、愛是長在我們心裡的藤蔓。Loveisavinethatgrowsint ...


  1、在哪裡存在,就在哪裡綻放。   Whereitexists,itblossoms.   2、沒有命中註定的結局,只有不夠努力的過程。   ThereisnoFatedoutcome,onlytheprocessofinsufficienteffort.   3、把你的臉迎向陽光,那就不會有陰影。    ...


  1、永遠不向從前的戀人訴苦。   Never complained to the former lover.   2、看透的時候,假裝沒看透。   When you see through, pretend not to see through.   3、閨蜜,其實就是另一個自己。   Bestie, i ...


  1、There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 最忠實的朋友莫過於一本好書。   2、Friends are like wine; the older, the better.朋友象酒,越久越淳。   3、The best mirror is an old ...


  1、青春是一段怎麼形容都不為過的歲月。Youthisatimeofhowtodescribetoomuch.   2、我已經忘了當初的樣子,連懷戀都沒有證據。Ihaveforgottentheoriginalappearance,eventhereisnoevidencetonostalgia.   3、 ...


  1、人生最大的失敗,就是放棄。   The greatest failure in life is to give up.   2、是否我註定一生漂泊,找不到來時的路,也找不到歸家的路,早安世界!   Whether I am doomed to wander all my life, can not f ...