


  1、Gooda fternoon, teachers! My name is XuLulu. I`m 11. I come from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And I`m a good student. However, my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school, I like playing computer games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active girl. Please remember XuLulu. Thank you very much!

  2、下午好,老師!我的名字叫XuLulu。我11。我來自五年級一班的TongPu第二小學。有4人在我的家人。我的父親個子很高。我的媽媽很漂亮。我的妹妹有一個長頭髮的。 和我是一個好學生。然而,我的家在學校附近,我經常早起。因為我必須努力工作。放學後,我喜歡玩電腦遊戲和讀書。我喜歡吃蘋果。他們是甜的和健康的。我最喜歡星期二。我們有英語、音樂、計算機和體育週二。我的數學老師是黃老師。她的課是如此有趣。所以我最喜歡的課是數學。我喜歡中文和英文。這就是我。一個活躍的女孩。請記住XuLulu。非常感謝!


  1、I come from Enshi, Hubei Province, a small developing town. I like to watch the scenery, walk, chat on the Internet and play games.

  2、In sports, I occasionally play basketball, football, soldier ball and badminton.

  3、 For the coming college life, my expectation is to learn English well, adapt to college life as soon as possible,

  4、and also hope to know more friends. Wonderful four years of University.

  5、In addition, I am professional and solid, reading is my greatest enjoyment, and studying computer makes me feel happy.

  6、I'm practical in my work, and I'll finish no matter how small I am.

  7、I can repair the computer, manage the network, network operation and online sales.

  8、What's important is that I have a kind of spirit of persevering in research, a kind of neck that will never stop until I understand.


  Hello everyone, my name is Weng Maosheng. My English name is Ryan. I am 18 years old. I am from a small county town in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. I graduated from the First Middle School of Lead Mountain County. Now, I am studying at Jiangxi Transportation Vocational and Technical College, specializing in road and bridge engineering technology. I am more outgoing, I like to listen to songs, play games, play basketball... In the next three years, I hope that while harvesting good results, I can also harvest a few precious friendships!Thank you! !


  1、我是來自山東的xxx,大家所的我的內在就像我的外樣,敦厚和實在是我對自己最好的概括。我不飄,不浮,不躁,不懶。我內心充實,物質享樂和精神刺激都不是我的嗜好。我待人誠實,從沒有花言巧語,但真誠和厚道使我總能贏得朋友的信賴。我專業紮實,看書是我最大的享受,鑽研電腦讓我感覺其樂無窮。   2、我做事踏實,再 ...


  1、Good morning/Good afternoon, dear professors! It’s really my great honor/my pleasure to be here for the interview. / I’m quite glad to be here for the ...


  1、我叫___,來自___年___月份以專業考試得分第___的好成績畢業於___大學的___專業。畢業之前,我曾在XX公司實習過,XX公司和貴公司是同類行業。   2、本人性格開朗,善於微笑,長於交際,會簡單日語及芭蕾舞。我相信,這一切將成為我工作最大的財富。我在很久就注意到貴公司,貴公司無疑是___行業 ...


  尊敬的園長及各位教師:   你們好!   大家好!在此,非常感謝你們能在百忙之中抽出寶貴的時間來參加這次活動。我姓王,是中班的主任老師,已經從事幼教工作五年了。作為一名幼兒教育 工作者,在這裡,希望以後各位家長對我們班級工作能大力的支援,我們也會拿出更多的愛心與責任心,發揮出我們 的專業水平,將我們班的小 ...


  1、我叫xx,是一個性格開朗、自信,不輕易服輸的人。生活中我喜歡與人交往,透過與各種朋友相處,學習到了很多自身缺乏的優點。在學習上我積極認真,努力掌握專業知識,現在已經具有相關的辦公室事務管理、文書擬寫與處理公共關係策劃與活動組織等能力。   2、在校期間我曾擔任系團委、學生會組織部部長,在工作中具有高度 ...


  1、Iam xxx. I was born in Changsha. I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My paren ...


  1、本人性格開朗,愛好廣泛,在學習期間積極參加各種活動,多次組織一些校園活動。積極向上且對待工作認證負責,有上進心,勤於學習能不斷進步,喜歡向高難度挑戰,提升自身的能力與綜合素質。我是一個很有時間觀念的人,能積極認真做好每件事,不怕辛苦不怕累,更不怕挫折,待人真誠,善於溝通、協調,有較強的組織能力與團隊精 ...