


  1、A WOLF。

  2、A big wind blows。

  3、A little teapot。

  4、A ram sam sam。

  5、A tisket A taskit。

  6、ABC Song 4。

  7、ABC Song 5。

  8、Abc song 1。

  9、Abc song 2 10. Abc song 3。


  1、《the day you went away》,這首英文歌曲調甜美,適合嗓音清澈的女生演唱,也有相應的中文版本哦,喜歡的朋友可以搜一下,名字叫《第一次愛的人》。

  The day you went away-M2M

  Well I wonder could it be ?

  When I was dreaming about you baby.

  You were dreaming of me.

  Call me crazy.

  Call me blind.

  To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.

  Did I lose my love to someone better.

  And does she love you like I do.

  I do,you know I really really do.

  Well hey.

  So much I need to say.

  Been lonely since the day.

  The day you went away.

  So sad but true.

  For me theres only you.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  I remember date and time.

  September twenty second Sunday twenty five after nine.

  In the doorway with your case.

  No longer shouting at each other.

  There were tears on our faces.

  And we were letting go of something special.

  Something well never have again.

  I know,I guess I really really know.

  Well hey.

  So much I need to say.

  Been lonely since the day.

  The day you went away.

  So sad but true.

  For me theres only you.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.

  Did I lose my love to someone better

  And does she love you like I do.

  I do,you know Im really really do.

  Well hey.

  So much I need to say.

  Been lonely since the day.

  The day you went away.

  So sad but true.

  For me theres only you.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  Why do we never know what weve got till its gone?

  How could I carry on?

  The day you went away.

  Cause Ive been missing you so much I have to say.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.


  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  Youre so fine, I want you mine, Youre so delicious

  I think about you all the time, Youre so addictive

  Dont you know what I can do to make you feel all right?

  Dont pretend, I think you know Im damn precious

  And hell yeah, Im the mother fucking princess

  I can tell you like me too, and you know Im right

  Shes like, so whatever

  You can do so much better

  I think we should get together now

  And thats what everyones talking about

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  I can see the way, I see the way you look at me

  And even when you look away, I know you think of me

  I know you talk about me all the time again and again

  (And again, and again, and again)

  So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear

  Or better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear

  I dont wanna hear you say her name ever again

  (And again, and again, and again)


  Shes like so whatever

  You can do so much better

  I think we should get together now

  And thats what everyones talking about

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  In a second youll be wrapped around my finger

  Cause I can, cause I can do it better

  Theres no other, so whens it gonna sink in

  Shes so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

  In a second youll be wrapped around my finger

  Cause I can, cause I can do it better

  Theres no other, so whens it gonna sink in

  Shes so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend


  3、《Trouble is a friend》,Lenka 的作品,旋律簡單,歌詞詼諧,道出了許多年輕朋友的心聲,強烈推薦啊。

  Trouble will find you no mater where you go oh oh

  No Matter if youre fast no matter if youre slow oh oh

  The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn oh oh

  Your fine for a while but then start to loose control

  Hes there in the dark

  Hes there in my heart

  He waits in the winds

  Hes gotta play a part

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh

  Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe oh oh

  And no matter what

  I feed him he always seems to grow oh oh

  He sees what I see and he knows what I know oh oh

  So dont forget as you ease on down the road

  Hes there in the dark

  Hes there in my heart

  He waits in the winds

  Hes gotta play a part

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh

  So dont be alarmed if he takes you by the arm

  I wont let him win but Im a sucker for his charm

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine Oh oh

  Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel

  And how I try to make him leave I try

  Oh Oh I try

  Hes there in the dark

  Hes there in my heart

  He waits in the winds

  Hes gotta play a part

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh

  So dont be alarmed if he takes you by the arm

  I wont let him win but Im a sucker for his charm

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine Oh oh


  1、比較大氣的有:hand in hand。

  2、小清新:valder fields。

  3、流行:you are my sunshine,hero 瑪莉亞凱利。

  4、其他:old blue,apple red。


  教師節的祝福語句簡單幼兒   1. 三尺教鞭手中握,沉重職責肩上扛;筆墨飄落育桃李,滿心期待盼成才。教師節到,願您身體永康健,育得桃李滿天下!   2. 一閉眼一睜眼就畢業了,如今站在校園外,回想起往日情景,歷歷在目,無比懷念。懷念教給我知識的老師,如今教師節到了,我要對老師說聲節日快樂,生活幸福!    ...

元宵猜燈謎簡單幼兒 猜燈謎鬧元宵

  元宵猜燈謎簡單幼兒 猜燈謎鬧元宵   1、 雄踞山寨(打吉林一地名)——公主嶺   2、 驛站(打河南一地名)——駐馬店   3、 固若金湯(打河北一地名)——保定   4、 中國界首(打河北一地名)——玉田   5、 金烏西墜白頭看(河南地名)——洛陽   6、 上下四方都無險(安徽地名)——六安    ...

素描人臉的畫法 簡單入門級別素描人臉教程

     1、先畫一個長方形。然後在正中間畫一條線。     2、將長方形三等分,在上面蓋個鍋蓋,基本臉型就完成了。     3、畫人臉基本器官:從下往上3/3處為髮際線。從上往下3/處為眉毛、耳朵的上半截。從上往下3/1處為鼻子的下半截、耳朵的下半截。     4、新增其他器官:將剩餘的眼鼻口耳朵新增上去。 ...


  可以用毛桃、毛豆等製作癢癢粉。   毛桃癢癢粉:   1、準備幾個桃子,就是那種毛桃。   2、毛桃放到太陽下,晾乾。   3、用毛刷把桃子表皮的毛刷下來。   4、裝進小塑膠袋,備用即可了。   毛豆癢癢粉:   1、取毛豆若干。   2、放太陽下晾乾。   3、用刷子刷下毛備用。 ...


  1、學習英語的過程中,家長們切勿讓孩子死記硬背,一定要從側面去引導孩子,這樣才會成功激起孩子的學習興趣。一味地逼著孩子學習英語,只會讓孩子加深對英語的厭惡感,這樣的行為反而會適得其反。   2、英語學習方法是鍛鍊自己的興趣,興趣能夠很大程度的增加一個人的學習能力,所以興趣的培養就變得很重要了,興趣的培養可 ...


  1、sober(清醒)   2、acacia(相思)   3、Drink to wind(對風飲)   4、Body on the ocean(身擁海洋)   5、Ambition(野心)   6、Habit(習慣)   7、Blind(盲目)   8、The dream of you(夢裡的你)   9 ...


  1、簡單英語小故事——老人和老貓   An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mo ...