


  1、《塑膠袋》是電影《縫紉機樂隊》推廣曲。由趙英俊作詞、作曲,劉洲編曲,縫紉機樂隊、Cyan Dragon演唱,發行於2017年09月05日。



  4、《唐人街》是電影《唐人街探案》主題曲,由中國歌手趙英俊填詞、譜曲,中國歌手李宇春演唱的歌曲,發行於2015年12月24日。 2016年6月11日,該曲獲得第九屆城市至尊音樂榜年度二十大金曲。



  《平安夜》(Silent Night)

  《普世歡騰,救主下降》(Joy to the World!)

  《鈴兒響叮噹》(Jingle Bells)

  《天使歌唱在高天》(Angels We Have Heard on High)

  《緬想當年時方夜半》(It Came Upon A Midnight Clear)

  《美哉小城,小伯利恆》(O Little Town of Bethlehem)

  《牧人聞信》(While Shepherds Wa tched Their Flocks)

  《遠遠在馬槽裡》(Away in the Manger )

  《榮耀天軍》(Angels,from the Realms of Glory)

  《聽啊,天使唱高聲》(Hark! the Herald Angels Sing)

  《聖誕鐘聲》(I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day)


  《當聖誕節降臨在小鎮》(When Christmas Come To Town)

  英文兒歌《We wish you a merry Christmas》

  《Santa Claus is coming to town》

  《Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer》

  《Jingle Bell Rock》

  《Rrosty The Snowman》等等,

  其中以《平安夜》(Silent Night)最為有名。

  《平安夜》是奧地利的一個小地方的小鄉村教會的神父Joseph Mohr在1816年寫的歌詞,曲作者Franz Gruber是當地的一位默默無聞的音樂老師。據說當時是因為小教堂的管風琴壞了,所以Mohr神父要Gruber先生為他寫的這首歌譜上用吉它伴奏的曲子應急。歌譜後來由修管風琴的人帶出來,外面的世界才得以知道這首歌。這首歌很快傳開受人喜愛。今天她已經幾乎成為聖誕節的官方“節歌”。她被譯成許多種文字。上面那個網頁就有67種不同語言的105種不同版本的歌詞。


  Silent night! Holy night! 平安夜,聖善夜。

  All is calm, all is bright! 真寧靜,真光明。

  Round yon virgin mother and child!聖光環繞聖母聖嬰,

  Holy Infant, so tender and mild, 聖潔嬰孩純真可愛。

  Sleep in heavenly peace, 盡享天賜安眠,

  Sleep in heavenly peace. 盡享天賜安眠。


  Joy To The World

  - traditional/G. F. H?ndel -

  Joy to the world

  The Lord has come

  Let earth receive her King

  Let every heart prepare Him room

  And heaven and nature sing

  And heaven and nature sing

  And heaven and heaven and nature sing


  Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

  —國王學院合唱團(Cambridge King's College Choir)—

  Hark the herald angels sing

  Glory to the new born king

  Peace on earth and mercy mild

  god and sinners reconciled

  Joyful all ye nations rise

  join the triumph of the skies

  with angelic host proclaim

  Christ is born in Bethlehem

  Hark the herald angels sing

  Glory to the new born king

  Hail the heav´n-born prince of peace

  hail the son of rightousness

  Light and life to all he brings

  Risen with healing in his wings

  Mild he lays his glory by

  born that man no more may die

  born to raise the sons of earth

  born to give them second birth

  Hark the herald angels sing

  Glory to the new born king

  Hark the herald angels sing

  Glory to the new born king

  Peace on earth and mercy mild

  god and sinners reconciled

  Joyful all ye nations rise

  join the triumph of the skies

  with angelic host proclaim

  Christ is born in Bethlehem

  Hark the herald angels sing

  Glory to the new born king

  Uhhh yeah

  (Glory) Glory to the new born king

  With angelic host proclaim

  Christ is born in Bethlehem

  Hark the herald angels sing

  Glory to the new born

  Glory to the new born

  Glory to the new, born king

  Mhhh yeah

  Sing it






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