




  聖誕節也是西方世界以及其他很多地區的公共假日,例如:在亞洲的香港、澳門、馬來西亞和新加坡。 古羅馬教會在君士坦丁時代(公元313年),就逐漸習慣在十二月二十五日慶祝主的誕生。

聖誕節英文簡介簡短 聖誕節簡介英文50字英語


  Christmas Day

  Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft and beautiful.

  Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival, in order to memorialize Jesus.During that time, they always have several days off, so they can enjoy this festival with all their hearts.The children often get together with their friends.The adults are busy with decorating their houses.They also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other. In the streets, there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the passers-by.And everything is on a discount in the supermarkets.Thus the supermarkets are the busiest places.




  為了紀念耶穌大部分西方人都慶祝聖誕節作為他們的主要節日。在這段時間裡,他們總是有好幾天假,所以他們可以全身心的享受這個節日。小孩們經常與他們的朋友聚在一起。大人都忙著裝飾他們的房子。他們還互相贈送明信片以及他們對彼此的祝福。 在街上,有很多聖誕老人在派送禮物給路人。超市裡面的所有東西都在打折。所以,超市是最忙的地方。


  Christmas, also known as Christmas, is translated as "Christ Mass", which originated from the Lunar New Year celebration in ancient Rome and has nothing to do with Christianity.

  After the popularity of Christianity in the Roman Empire, the Holy See drifted this folk festival into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus.



  It is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy Chrismas Eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. The boy cut a Fir tree's branch and inserted it into the earth.He said, "every year this time. there will be many presents in this branch. I wish I can pay back to your favor by this beautiful Fir tree. "

  After the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had grow up as a big tree. Then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. This is the origin of the chrismas day. In western countries, Whatever you are, everyone will prepare a chrismas tree to increase the happiness of the chrismas day.

  Chrismas trees are made of evergreen tree like Fir trees and they represent the long lives.People put candles,flowers,toys,stars on the tree and they put chrismas present on the tree. On Chrismas Eve,people sing and dance happily and they enjoy themselves around the tree.





  1、Wishing you a white Christmas。願你有一個銀白色的聖誕。

  2、Wish all the best wishes for you。獻上最美好的祝願。

  3、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year。祝你節日以及一年中開開心心。

  4、Much joy to you in the up coming year。願您在新的一年充滿快樂。

  5、Thank you for all you have done for us。感謝您為我們所做的一切。


  1、聖誕節[詞典] Christmas Day; Christmas。   2、[例句]我和你媽媽過聖誕節的時候會想念你的。Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas. ...


  1、12月25日聖誕節是美國最大最熱鬧的節日。可以說從感恩節過後,美國人就開始為聖誕節大忙特忙起來。 聖誕節的許多風俗都來源於《聖經》中的傳說。根據耶穌誕生在夜裡這種說法,聖誕節的慶祝活動從12月24日夜間開始,午夜時分達到高潮,這一夜就被稱為聖誕夜。   2、美國人通常通宵達旦地舉行慶祝或。他們有的聚在 ...


  1、How are you, I call XX.This year is 22 years old.Graduate from XXXX college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, optimism, the ...


  1、英文:   Good morning !   It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,I hope i can make a good performance today. Im confident that I ...


  1、A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear. 希望聖誕祝福給你帶來歡樂,我的好朋友。祝 ...


  1、聖誕節(Christmas)又稱耶誕節,譯名為“基督彌撒”,它源自古羅馬人迎接新年的農神節,與基督教本無關係。在基督教盛行羅馬帝國後,教廷隨波逐流地將這種民俗節日納入基督教體系,同時以慶祝耶穌的降生。但在聖誕節這天不是耶穌的生辰,因為《聖經》未有記載耶穌具體生於哪天,同樣沒提到過有此種節日,是基督教吸 ...


  1、一個人時不寂寞,想你的時候才感覺寂寞。今個聖誕節我會最最寂寞。   2、知道聖誕節是誰的節日嗎?不知道,是你的節日嘛,是聖誕節啊!笨蛋。   3、聖誕之夜祝福你,願聖誕節的歡聲笑語和歡樂氣氛永遠縈繞著你!   4、願聖誕之夜的燭光,開啟你心頭一喜悅,使你新的一年更亮麗輝煌。   5、直到生命停止,每一 ...