


  1、韜光養晦[詞典]hide one's capacities and bide one's time;

  2、[例句]經過十多年的審時度勢,他的性格依然是那麼讓人捉摸不透,韜光養晦高深莫測。After more than a decade of scrutiny, his nature remains enigmatic and his depths not quite fully fathomed.

韜光養晦英文 可以怎麼造句呢




  1.Massage chairs are popular gifts for Father's Day. 按摩椅一向是父親節的搶手禮物。

  2.Father, we love you. Happy Father's Day. 爸爸,我們愛您。父親節快樂。

  3. Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. 父親節在六月的第三個星期日。

  4. Have the best Father's Day ever. 祝您能度過一個最棒的父親節.

  5. Happy Father's Day to all the Daddys in the World!! 向全世界所有的好爸爸道一聲:父親節快樂!

  6. Father's Day has became a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. 父親節現在已經成為向父親及所有扮演父親角色的人表達敬意的節日。

  7. The 3rd Sunday of June is Father's Day. 6月的第三個週日是父親節。

  8. In 1972, President Nixon signed a law to establish Father's Day. 1972年,尼克松總統正式簽署了建立父親節的議案。

  9. I've got to get dad a Father's Day gift. 我得去買父親節的禮物給老爸。

  10. It's Father's Day tomorrow. Are you going to buy a Father's Day card for your Dad? 明天是父親節,你準備給你老爸買父親節賀卡嗎?


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