




  A heart hangs on you, a love bless you, a true feeling is waiting for your response. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  With the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, my blessings are coming, and I wish you a happy and happy Dragon Boat Festival.


  The Dragon Boat Festival arrives, hangs the sachet, eats the zongzi, every household is really lively!


  Remember: when you smile, my world smiles. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!


  Eat zongzi, send blessings, live happily and riches! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is here. I wish you a happy holiday and eat more zongzi!


  I wish you a happy and happy life in the Dragon Boat Festival.


  On the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a happy holiday, good luck and happiness.


  The blessing is continuous and brings joy to the world. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happiness unlimited!


  I wish you happiness and health, all the best, and happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Eat rice dumplings, the four seasons of happiness, wrapped in a year of health hope.


  May you have good luck on the special day of Dragon Boat Festival.


  I wish you all the best and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival.


  I say: to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  May I can put the best blessing to you, and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival


  Not often contact, but must heart, As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival


  Wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy


  Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy


  On the occasion of Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a warm, happy and happy surround.


  Bamboo leaves wrapped in your past beauty, rice grain stick to your present happiness, dragon boat carries your dream in the future.


  Dragon Boat Festival, like friends, read home, Zhu Jun Ankang brilliant.


  Dragon Boat Festival, send you a zongzi, wish you happiness around, good luck to follow, happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is here. I wish you all the best.


  Looks like, this year, I can only believe in friendship, so send a message to bless you, wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  May flowers and green leaves accompany you to decorate your gorgeous life. May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival, I want to knot solid and hold you, Dragon Boat Festival blessings to you!


  Bless the sound, bring joy to the world, wish the Dragon Boat Festival happiness!


  Do more exercise and less mahjong, so that you can eat more rice dumplings and get healthy every day!


  Dragon Boat Festival brings good mood and brings good life.


  Let this coat closely accompany you to spend every minute and every second, wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!


  With the help of the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you love like spring breeze and happiness and happiness.


  When there is separation, there is a gathering. The longer they are, the more intimate they are. I want to tell you that I really miss you on this Dragon Boat Festival.


  A zongzi, wrapped in honey, honey, and greet you with a greeting. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dear friend, Dragon Boat Festival is coming. May you have a long vacation!


  Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy.


  Always happy, happy heart, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  Filar silk gentle breeze, preach to the festival, piaoxiang distant remarks of you, may you have this wonderful everything, Dragon Boat Festival is happy.


  Dragon Boat Festival to give you an omnipotent "Dumplings", only the Dragon Boat Festival food. Food presentation: well-being followed by the wind, troubled run hastily; knowledge inexhaustible, inexhaustible supply of money; luck heyday of the lottery that is the one to buy.


  a short message, bless strings: Dragon Boat Festival arrived, wish happy, a happy heart; Healthy, unwind; Completely round, boon conjugal love; HeHeMeiMei, thriving!


  Hanging heart to move you, a love bless you, and a genuine feeling waiting for your response. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Wanshuiqianshan "brown" is the situation, Qu Yuan said thank you, Dano look at the dragon boat fun, friendship maintain a distance.


  I wish I could bring you the best wishes in the world. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Qingqing leaf wrapped in the true feelings, I hope you have a good mood, happy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Wish you and your families have a nice holiday!


  Without it, the gutty friendship, but got the message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


  Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Passions, reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy...


  Bless my friends, happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. My friend, are you all right? I wish you all the best and everything is going well. Dragon Boat Festival is joyful!



  1. I say: to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  2. May I can put the best blessing to you, and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  3. Remember: you smile smile of my world, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  4. Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  5. As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  6. Not often contact, but must heart, As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  7. Wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  8. Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  9. Wish you and your families have a nice holiday!

  10. Without it, the gutty friendship, but got the message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  11. Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Passions, reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  12. The arrival of summer, wish you good mood, had dropped greetings, in this moment, all the concern with compensation, condensing this message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  13. Always happy, happy heart, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  14. Filar silk gentle breeze, preach to the festival, piaoxiang distant remarks of you, may you have this wonderful everything, Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  15. I do not have words to express, only to have reality, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  16. Peach son red, apricot yellow, fifth is the son of DuanYang, zongzi incense, packet five grain, wrapped candy strip a zongzi, a happy life million older, wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  17. Best wishes to my friends, the Dragon Boat Festival happy to be joyful!

  18. While dumplings smell of incense, missing float the river, you and I separated a few hundred, in the Dragon Boat Festival is more strongly because I want to share with you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  19. Today is the Chinese dragon boat festival, I wish you a happy festival!

  20. God see you lonely, so he created you friend I, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, I wish you a happy holiday, eat more rice dumplings!

  21. a short message, bless strings: Dragon Boat Festival arrived, wish happy, a happy heart; Healthy, unwind; Completely round, boon conjugal love; HeHeMeiMei, thriving!

  22. use a wisp of spring breeze, the two drops of summer rain, -piece akiha, four flower, make it snows colorful box; Floating ribbons waving discus with eight, nine points sincere, very enthusiastic, put them in countless wishes to you, let the Dragon Boat Festival good luck.

  23. peach son red, apricot yellow, fifth is the son of DuanYang, zongzi incense, packet five grain, wrapped candy strip a zongzi, a happy life million older, wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  24. piece of good news: The Dragon Boat Festival the same day, the first two digits of the phone is users can go to the free on-street stalls for dumplings, of course, prior to being applied and who runs the burn ointment to prevent the water pouring into!

  25. I originally bought dumplings to give you, and made a short message to you, but the thieves got your phone, dear, we jump with Jiang Zemin!

  26. the day I pack dumplings in their own hands, we should see a good package, but I do not know for a long time what point package of meat into the good Until I suddenly saw you, I decided to pack it into the points Zhu Tourou。

  27. I heard during the Dragon Boat Festival this year, out of a strange, I was just passing through, but I do not think I saw everything: the pig actually really like people holding mobile phone text messages are read!

  28. Dragon Telecom test new features, this month for free, please click any of the number keys to test your IQ Test your IQ by zero Haha!

  29. I am bamboo leaves your rice, layer by layer wrapped around you, you are my teeth, rice, savory sweet stick you, how much rice dumpling, how much I think you, remember to give me information, or dumplings choke live you!

  30. There are isolated together, respectively, the longer the more intimate I want to tell you that I particularly like the Dragon Boat Festival you。

  31. Hanging heart to move you, a love bless you, and a genuine feeling waiting for your response I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  32. Sometimes I'm busy, sometimes I forget; sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I lazy! But how I will remember that like you, thinkyou that a good friend! Remember: You smile when my world is smiling, I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  33. With a ray of spring, two drops of summer rain, three autumn, winter snow, made of colorful gift box; name of eight floating colorful ribbons, with nine points sincere, very warm, put them in countless blessings given to You, like Lucky Dragon Boat Festival!

  34. Issue is the text received is happy to see the message but not that worried about is, open to health, read out a good fortune, is silence best wishes for a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  35. Like this soon as the blessing, into a lamp, light your way home from work, into a bouquet of flowers, to give you you a beautiful fragrance I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  36. Send a sachets with a purse, made several kilograms of rice dumplings, the Trustee to the mountains to gather the leaves, the street bought a bottle of wine on them, plus a dash of heart care, as a gift to you, I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  37. Although your body good, but Qu Yuan said: more physical activity, less mahjong can eat dumplings every day health!

  38. I am desperate, Daisy Li left me, master nagging, cattle devil owed money not yet, it was finally bought the Water Curtain Cave Buddha hostile takeover, only wish the two the next dime Clockwork SMS The Young Happy Dragon Boat Festival !

  39. I say: to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  40. May I can put the best blessing to you, and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  41. Remember: you smile smile of my world, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  42. Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  43. As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival.

  44. Not often contact, but must heart, As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival.

  45. Wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

  46. Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

  47. Wish you and your families have a nice holiday!

  48. Without it, the gutty friendship, but got the message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  49. Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Passions, reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

  50. God see you lonely, so he created you friend I, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, I wish you a happy holiday, eat more rice dumplings!



  1. 忙碌的日子讓彼此疏遠,但知心的朋友卻一輩子難忘;人生其實只有三天:昨天今天明天。願你昨天值得回憶,今天盡情發揮,明天充滿機會!預祝各位朋友端午節快樂!

  2. 我用芬芳的祝福織成葦葉,以溫馨的叮嚀碾作白米,以誠摯的祈禱曬熟紅棗,再以友誼的絲線緊緊纏繞,端午節送你香甜的粽子,願你永遠享受人生的美好!

  3. 祝福不斷連連的,真情實意綿綿的,包成粽子圓圓的,吃在嘴裡黏黏的,味道總是鹹鹹的,化在心裡甜甜的。祝甜甜的你,過個甜甜的端午!

  4. 轉眼又到端午節,放鬆去度小長假,輕輕鬆鬆展笑臉,快樂度過美無邊。工作辛勞暫忘掉,養足精神備明天,事事順心美夢圓,幸福之花永不謝。

  5. 獨在異鄉為異客,每逢佳節“粽”思親。遙知兄弟登高處,萬水千山“粽”是情。端午節,要吃“粽”,祝你“粽”橫四海,“粽”是走運!端午節快樂!

  6. 五月初五是端午,朋友祝福已上路。財神運財走水路,福神空降最神速,喜神報喜上大路,驚喜連連在端午,愛神變出浪漫屋,幸運之神心中駐!

  7. 端午節到了,我按鍵敲下了一行行的祝福,千言萬語化成了這一條簡訊的祝福:朋友,我想你了,端午節快樂!

  8. 我是粽葉你是米,一層一層裹住你;粽子裡有多少米,代表我有多想你,記得給我發信息,不然粽子噎死你!端午節快樂!

  9. 端午節,將來到,送個粽子問聲好,祝你:工作勤奮“粽”順利;事業興旺“粽”成功;生活愜意“粽”美滿;萬事無憂“粽”好運。預祝:端午節快樂!

  10. 端午節,送你一個快樂“粽子”,先幫你剝掉工作的煩惱,剝掉生活的煩惱,剝掉臉上的沉悶,好了,剩下幸福的內葉裹緊你,幸運的大米任你吃,端午快樂!

  11. 一顆粽子一顆心,顆顆粽子表關心,願你事事都順心,稱心舒心總開心;一顆粽子一份情,顆顆粽子獻真情,願你天天好心情,友情愛情重親情;祝端午快樂笑滿家園,生活美滿好運連連。

  12. 一句平淡如水的問候:很輕;一聲平常如紙的祝福,很真;採一片清香的粽葉,包一顆香甜的粽子,裝入真情的資訊裡,送給你:祝端午節快樂!

  13. 端午送粽子,友情是皮,餡裡1層祝福,2層幸福,3層心想事成,4層欠條,快還錢!

  14. 端午到,嘗粽忙,嚐個棗粽香甜溢,祝願生活多甜蜜,嚐個肉粽滿口香,祝願家庭福滿多,嚐個豆粽有滋味,祝願愛情多趣味。端午節祝願生活如粽子多滋多味。

  15. 端午到來粽香飄,祝福深深思念搖;願你“粽”是健康平安,“粽”是一帆風順,“粽”是快樂如花,“粽”是幸福相伴!祝你端午節快樂!

  16. 採一束避邪的艾葉,蒸一鍋香甜的粽子,打一壺馥郁的醇酒,把我的祝福與你一同分享端午時光。

  17. 鋤禾在端午,汗滴禾下土。為了盤中餐,生活不怕苦。朋友送祝福,清涼能解暑。事業展鴻圖,機會不勝數。健康永常駐,快樂不迷路!端午快樂!

  18. 願幸福就像一根粽繩,緊緊地纏住你;願快樂就像一片片粽葉,團團地圍住你;美滿就像一陣陣粽香,久久地環繞你。衷心祝你端午節幸福快樂美滿!

  19. 端午節,吃粽子,生活“粽”是那麼甜蜜,身體“粽”是那麼健康,心裡“粽”是那麼晴朗,幸福“粽”是那麼滿溢,成功“粽”是那麼耀眼,好運“粽”是那麼準時,簡訊“粽”是那麼達意,祝福“粽”是那麼深厚,祝願你度過一個歡樂匯“粽”的端午節日!

  20. 端午節到了,悄悄的一條資訊,帶去我的一份最真的祝福,一份深情,一份情誼,一份如意,一份溫馨,一份守望,一份牽掛,一份安康都給你。

  1. 送你一串香甜的粽子,讓輕輕的葉子裝著滿滿的問候,小小的菱角捻出絲絲的情意,長長的絲線繫著柔柔的祝福,濃濃的清香露出片片真情,祝端午節快樂!

  2. 楊梅紅杏兒黃五月初五是端陽,棕葉香包五糧剝個棕子裹上糖;艾草芳龍舟忙,追逐幸福勇向上;美好的生活萬年長!祝您端午節快樂!

  3. 把心願化為風,用快樂來做帆,撐起祝福的船,滿載我的思念,划起好運槳,盪開柔情水,飄向幸福人。只想輕輕對你說:端午就到了,朋友有你倍思念!

  4. 端午節在星期四,願你暢享輕鬆日;端午節要吃粽子,祝你幸福一輩子!

  5. 工作再多,也要注意休息;美食再多,也要注意節制;朋友再多,也要保持聯絡;日子再美,記得給予祝福;端午節快來了,先預祝你端午快樂!

  6. 五月初五,向左看,有“無邊”的福氣,往右瞅,有“無盡”的喜悅,往前望,有“無窮”的希望,往後瞧,有“無數”的祝福,祝你幸福在端午,開心在端午,節日愉快!

  7. 粽子香香,引來好一切美好。龍舟劃劃,趕走所有煩惱。大家齊聚,共度歡樂時刻。快樂日子,祝福多多,願你端午節快樂,好運粽在身邊,幸福滿舟圍!

  8. 端午就是5+5,朋友10心10意、十萬火意送祝福:祝你情人浪漫,十步芳草。兄弟情深,十指連心。掌控機會,十拿九穩。寫意生活,十全十美!

  9. 每逢佳節“粽”思你,好友之間“粽”是情,端午節,“粽”言“粽”語祝福你,願萬事“粽”順利,生活“粽”快樂,樣樣“粽”美好。

  10. 人生無需驚天動地,快樂就好;友誼無需甜言蜜語,想著就好;金錢無需車載斗量,夠用就好;朋友無需遍及天下,有你就好,預祝端午節快樂!

  11. 米飯和包子打群架,米飯仗著人多勢眾,見了包子的就打,豆沙包,糖包,蒸餃無一倖免。粽子被逼到牆角,情急之下把衣服一撕,大叫:看清楚,是臥底!——提前祝朋友端午節快樂!

  12. 端午節幸福守則:以休息放鬆為中心,把健康安全放在首位,心情舒暢是關鍵,遊山玩水當調節,逛街購物是消遣,問候祝福是甜點,別忙別閒,端午快樂!

  13. 每逢佳節“粽”思你,好友之間“粽”是情,端午節,“粽”言“粽”語祝福你,願萬事“粽”順利,生活“粽”快樂,樣樣“粽”美好。

  14. 端午的風格外清涼,生活的水慢慢流淌,快樂的船兒為你遠航,讓祝福的心為你飛翔,祝願你端午節愉快,幸福吉祥。

  15. 端午節到了,千言萬語化成了這一條簡訊的祝福,我按鍵敲下了我一行行的祝福,親愛的朋友,端午節祝你幸福快樂!

  16. 端午節將至,劃一划龍舟,疾病隨波流走;斟一杯美酒,生活無憂無愁;採一把菖蒲,平安伴隨一路;包一包粽子,裹緊幸福甜蜜。祝端午節開心!

  17. 五月五,是端陽,祝福朋友不能忘;掛艾草,粽子香,招納百福福滿堂;帶香囊,喝雄黃,驅邪去災體健康;賽龍舟,蕩雙槳,家庭幸福事業暢;預祝端午安康!

  18. 龍舟頭,永不止步的奔頭,獅子頭,奮勇向前的勁頭,端午節,祝福語,頭頭是道,香米粒,真心誠意的威力,甜棗粒,全心全意的實力,我親愛的朋友,端午節,祝福你,粒粒有利,端午節,祝福你,粒粒給力。

  19. 送上端午的粽子;解開吉祥的繩子;剝開幸運的粽葉,露出開心的糯米;嘗著健康的餡料;配著幸福的醬醋;只為祝你,節日快樂!

  20. 萬水千山粽是情!芳草有情,粽在斜陽外!萬紫千紅粽是春!端午節到了,祝你粽是開心,粽是幸運,粽是健康,粽是成功!

  1. 朋友不一定形影不離,但一定心心相印;不一定合情合理,但一定知心知意;不一定常常聯絡,但一定放在心上;身為朋友的我,祝你端午節快樂。

  2. 端午問候其溫暖兮,吾將福氣而傳達;簡訊祝福其真誠兮,吾將快樂而轉發。願你微笑兮,像朵花;生活兮,美如畫;端午兮,樂哈哈!

  3. 風過處,滲透著淡淡的粽香;雨來襲,洗刷走心中的惆悵;五月天,心情天空般透徹明朗;誠相祝,將情意和粽子捆綁。端午佳節,願幸福迷戀你,煩惱躲著你,好運邂逅你,健康擁抱你,平安關照你,美好寵著你,快樂討好你,一切順心意!

  4. 層疊疊的粽葉層疊疊的香,粘稠稠的米飯粘稠稠的思,紅通通的棗兒紅通通的運,熱乎乎的粽子熱乎乎的情,喜慶慶的端午喜慶慶的過哦!

  5. 小小粽子尖又尖,願你學業有成,成績總拔尖。糯米粒粒香又黏,願你年年有餘,財富黏上你。紅豆顆顆圓又甜,願你閤家團圓,愛情甜蜜。五月初五端午節,祝你節日快樂,好運連連,笑容美美!

  6. 粽想對你表白,我的思念是多麼強烈;粽想對你傾訴,我的祝福是多麼浪漫。一年一度的端午節,簡訊聲聲傳耳邊,啊!祝你快快樂樂端午節。

  7. 我用一片綠色的粽葉,兩顆開心的紅棗,三顆美麗的紅葡萄乾,匯入甘美的江米中,包成一個開心粽子送給你。祝端午節快樂!

  8. 端陽到,花枝俏,家家戶戶樂陶陶。掛艾草,帶香包,香香甜甜百福招。競龍舟,祭屈原,歷史傳承越千年。端午粽飄香,願您事事昌。

  9. 端午節到粽飄香,千家萬戶過節忙。長長艾葉豎門旁,驅災辟邪祝吉祥;喝上一杯雄黃酒,疾病遠離意氣揚;觀賞一場龍舟賽,鼓聲陣陣傳四方。願你端午人快樂,幸福生活一年更比一年強!

  10. 你快樂所以我快樂;如果你不樂我會給你買可樂!要樂咱倆一起樂,別揹著我偷著樂;如果你還不太樂,我會在你家門口擺攤賣可樂,祝你端午節快樂!

  11. 你好,端午節到,為了答謝你對我的支援,我要送你一個身材豐滿,肌膚嫩白,人見人愛的,散發著誘人體香的,你別想歪哦,我說的是粽子!,祝幸福平安!

  12. 買了一斗得意米,弄了二兩順心棗,加上三片開心葉,如意粽子為你包,愛心水裡泡一泡,幸福鍋裡煮三遭,願你嚐了直叫妙,撐得嗷嗷叫!端午快樂哦!

  13. 一枚粽子一顆心,兩粒紅棗紅前程,三片粽葉輪好運,四根絲線情纏緊,五面稜角定分明,六六大吉溜溜順,七星高照祥瑞繞,八方來財福滿門。端午節快樂!

  14. 拿起香甜的粽子,誘人的香氣令人垂涎欲滴;豎起長長的艾葉,芳香的氣息寄託美好的祝願;划起快樂的龍舟,激昂的鼓聲訴說無盡的思念。端午節到了,願你快樂平安!

  15. 層疊疊的粽葉層疊疊的香,粘稠稠的米飯粘稠稠的思,紅通通的棗兒紅通通的運,熱乎乎的粽子熱乎乎的情,喜慶慶的端午喜慶慶的過哦。

  16. 淡淡粽葉香,濃濃朋友情,根根絲連線,切切輕易牽,好心情伴隨著粽子的香氣傳給好朋友,祝你笑口常開,好運相伴,端午節快樂!

  17. 端午節快到了,我按鍵敲下了我一行行的祝福,千言萬語化成了這一條簡訊的祝福:親愛的朋友,端午節祝你幸福快樂!

  18. 五月五,過端午,小小簡訊送祝福;鴨蛋黃,粽飄香,幸福生活蜜似糖;插艾葉,飲雄黃,身體健康又強壯;賽龍舟,鑼鼓響,事業騰飛創輝煌;祝福到,情誼長,端午快樂又吉祥!

  19. 青青粽葉勾思念,淡淡粽香醉人心,又到一年佳節時,在外遊子倍思親,保重身體工作忙,和氣生財事業順,有空回家望一望,祝你萬事順利,端午快樂!

  20. 端午佳節,喜上眉梢;菖蒲高掛,吉祥滿屋;張燈結綵,喜笑顏開;龍舟競馳,歡喜連連;粽葉飄香,神清氣爽;送份祝福,聊表寸心;願君開懷,幸福如意!身體健康,福壽綿長!

  1. 喝上一杯雄黃酒,好運必定能長久,吃上一粒香粽子,快樂伴你一輩子,戴上一個小香囊,幸福生活萬年長,再來一個賽龍舟,今年又是大豐收,端午節願你吉祥如意,開心永伴。

  2. 端午節來了,送你一個粽子,它是用快樂包裝,會讓你開心無憂;用財富做料,會助你財源滾滾;用幸福做餡,會使你生活甜美。祝端午節快樂!

  3. 有一種感情,永不過時,日久彌新,那就是友情;有一種牽掛,永不膩味,心中悸動,那就是為你;有一種節日,閤家共享,珍惜感恩。端午到了,祝闔家歡樂,幸福永遠!

  4. 端午節到了,送您一顆好運粽,裡面包藏健康米、好運蛋、平安菇、快樂蝦、長壽花、幸運慄、如果您收到將會好運連連。祝您端午節快樂。

  5. 端午吃啥?粽子,吃前吊胃,吃中美味,吃後不足胃。端午玩啥?發簡訊,發前動心,發中開心,發後不煩心。願你端午節吃得香,玩得樂!

  6. 家和諧,人似仙,瀟灑走人間;酒當歌,曲輕彈,霓霞舞翩翩;花兒美,碧水蓮,日月彩雲間;夢成真,福祿全,祝願開心每一天,祝端午節快樂!

  7. 一句淡如水的問候很輕;一聲尋常如紙的祝福很真;採一片清香的粽葉,包一顆香甜的粽子,裝入真情的資訊裡,送給您及家人祝端午節安康!

  8. 綠綠粽葉裹吉祥,喜慶節日又端陽;清清江水游龍舟,淡淡黃酒解煩憂;喜氣祝福好友送,填滿真誠情意重。預祝你:端午快樂,萬事吉祥!

  9. 每一片花瓣,都帶有我真摯的祝福,款款關懷,綿綿祝福,聲聲問候,拜託清風傳送,願鮮花與綠葉結伴,點綴你絢麗的人生,願你端午節快樂!

  10. 一生一世陪伴你,兩地相思只為你,三生有幸遇見你,四山五嶽思念你,六六大順圍繞你,我的心中只有你,端午佳節心繫你,幸福快樂送給你!

  11. 今天是端午,送你快樂無數:粽葉代表數錢“總也”數不完,富足包圍你;糯米象徵煩惱全部都“挪移”,心情亮晶晶;大棗預示健康將起個“大早”。簡訊祝你端午祥和一片,幸福相連!

  12. 端午節到了,送你甜甜的粽子,願工作順利日子甜又甜;送你香香的粽子,願你吃嘛嘛香身體康又健;送你黏黏的粽子,願你好運接二連三“粽”不斷。祝端午節快樂!

  13. 青青粽葉勾思念,淡淡粽香醉人心,又到一年佳節時,在外遊子倍思親,保重身體工作忙,和氣生財事業順,有空回家望一望,祝你萬事順利,端午快樂!

  14. 喝上一杯雄黃酒,好運必定能長久,吃上一粒香粽子,快樂伴你一輩子,戴上一個小香囊,幸福生活萬年長,再來一個賽龍舟,今年又是大豐收,端午節願你吉祥如意,開心永伴。

  15. 繁忙,不代表遺忘;夏日的到來,願你心情舒暢,曾落下的問候,這一刻一起補償,所有的關心,凝聚這條簡訊,端午節快樂。

  16. 工作的繁忙,不代表遺忘;夏日的到來,願你心情涼爽;小小簡訊,穿街走巷,帶著我最深的祝福,直達你心上:端午節快樂!幸福永安康!

  17. 工作忙生活忙,忙著幸福就好;愛情忙親情忙,忙著團圓就好;包粽子忙送粽子忙,忙著快樂就好;過節也忙不過節也忙,忙著健康就好。端午節快樂!

  18. 蒲月五,來端五:端起快樂,把煩惱瞄準;端起決心信念,把失蹤槍斃;端起好運,把黴運幹掉;端起友情,把寂寞打倒;端起祝福,讓溫馨圍繞!端午節快樂。

  19. 發出的只是問候,接收到的只是文字,開啟的卻是牽掛,是快樂,讀出的是思念,是祝福,是關心。這些你都感悟到了嗎?願你端午節快樂!

  20. 我要用一縷春風,兩滴夏雨,三片秋葉,四朵冬雪,做成五顏六色的禮盒;打著七彩八飄的絲帶,用九分真誠,十分熱情,裝進無數祝福送給你,願端午節快樂。

2021端午節祝福簡短8字 端午節祝福簡訊簡單送朋友

  2021端午節祝福語簡短8字 端午節祝福簡訊簡單送朋友   1、線線纏繞,年輕不老。   2、端午時節,幸福快樂。   3、閤家美滿,順順利利!   4、粽兒飽飽,財源好好。   5、粽兒香香,美味芳芳。   6、闔家幸福,端午快樂!   7、端起幸福,如意逍遙!   8、和和美美,紅紅火火。   9、全 ...


  2021端午節祝福語簡短可愛   1. 紅紅的櫻桃紅紅的棗,紅紅的運氣好預兆,甜甜的棕子甜甜的棗,甜甜的糯米有情調,歡樂的端午已來到,幸福美夢圍你繞,祝你端午節快樂!   2. 加一勺蜜糖,褪去昨天的苦澀;撒一把芝麻,調製生活的醇香;添幾粒綠豆,消去夏日的炎熱;纏一根絲線,將情意來捆綁;寄一個粽子,祝你端 ...


  2021端午節祝福語簡短8字   1. 平安喜樂,節日快樂。   2. 身體健康,端午節快樂。   3. 笑口常開,好運相伴。   4. 端午飄香,願事事昌。   5. 線線纏繞,快樂擁抱。   6. 發家財,招募千寶。   7. 端午快樂,萬事吉祥。   8. 端午節快樂,祝你好運!   9. 端午快樂 ...


  父親節祝福語英語簡短2021   1.爸爸,是您讓我擁有了更廣闊的天空,是您讓我看得更高、更遠。節日快樂!   Dad, it's you who make me have a broader sky, and it's you who make me see higher and farther. Ha ...


  2021父親節祝福語英語簡短   1. father,yourholidaytoday,Iputthoughtsintothemindsofcountlessinfiniteblessings,silentlyprayforyou,Iwishyouhealthandhappiness!   2. Iwis ...


  2021結婚祝福語大全簡短   1.從此月夜共幽夢,從此雙飛效彩蝶,千古知音此心同,一切盡在不言中,紅燭高照盈笑意,真心祝願你倆百年琴瑟,百年偕老。   2.今天日子好,人人都歡笑。並蒂花開嬌,比翼鳥飛俏。鞭炮縱聲飈,彩旗空中蹈。新郎才氣高,新娘容顏好。吉星處處照,祥雲時時飄。紅包源源到,祝福湊熱鬧:新婚 ...


  2021結婚祝福語大全簡短讚美   1. 簫聲沸,仙子下秦接。鸛鵲昔曾邀明月,雎鳩今始詠風謳,孔樂訂相攸。   2. 用彼此的深情畫出一道美麗的彩虹,架起愛情的橋樑,不分你我,共嘗甘苦,融入彼此的生命,敬祝你們百年好合,永結同心!   3. 永不退色的是相互的關心,是無窮無盡深深的愛!愛情也因這一刻的融合 ...