繁簡對照 | 繁體字 / 正體字 | 簡體字 |
字形 | 倒 | 倒 |
怎麼讀 | ㄉㄠˇ ㄉㄠˋ | dǎo|dào |
部首 | 亻 | 亻 |
筆畫 | 10 | 10 |
倉頡 | OMGN | OMGN |
四角號碼 | 22200 | 22200 |
筆順編號 | 3215412122 | 3215412122 |
繁簡對照 | 繁體字 / 正體字 | 簡體字 |
字形 | 倒 | 倒 |
怎麼讀 | ㄉㄠˇ ㄉㄠˋ | dǎo|dào |
部首 | 亻 | 亻 |
筆畫 | 10 | 10 |
倉頡 | OMGN | OMGN |
四角號碼 | 22200 | 22200 |
筆順編號 | 3215412122 | 3215412122 |
英文 to fall, to collapse, to overthrow, to fail, to go bankrupt, to change (trains or buses), to move around, to resell at a profit, to place upside down, to invert, to pour, to throw out, to move backwards, however, actually, as a matter of fact, contr
法語 tomber, être renversé, se renverser, renverser, verser, retourner, contraire, cependant
德語 zu Fall bringen (trans.), einstürzen (intrans.)