




萬聖節的習俗英文 用英文介紹萬聖節的風俗習慣

  萬聖節的習俗英文 用英文介紹萬聖節的風俗習慣

  南瓜燈 Jack-o’-lantern

  Families in Britain buy pumpkins in stores and supermarkets every Halloween to carve Jack-o’-lanterns. The pumpkins are transformed into spooky (詭異的、可怕的) faces and are lit up by candles placed inside. The origin of this practice (習俗) has many versions, most of which revolve around a man called ‘Stingy Jack’ who roams the earth aimlessly (漫無目的地) carrying a pumpkin lantern because of his ill nature.


  咬蘋果 Apple bobbing

  Have you read Agatha Christie’s detective novel Hallowe’en Party? If so, you might know this popular Halloween activity called ‘apple bobbing’. In the game, competitors catch apples with their teeth from a large bucket or basin of water. Whoever catches the first apple wins.


  不給糖果就搗蛋 Trick-or-treating

  Trick or treating is a special Halloween tradition. Children in scary costumes walk around the neighbourhood (鄰近的街區,住宅區) and knock on doors saying ‘trick or treat’. They can get a lot of candy by the end of the day. People usually prepare sweets before the day; otherwise the kids might play a trick (開玩笑,搞惡作劇) on them.

  “不給糖就搗蛋“是一項特殊的萬聖節傳統活動。孩子們會換上可怕的服飾,在家附近的街區內敲響別人家的門,同時喊“不給糖就搗鬼 trick or treat“這句話。人們常常在萬聖節前就準備好糖果,因為如果被敲開門又不給糖吃的話,孩子們就有可能給你搞惡作劇。

  It is a happy festival for children. But at the same time, there is a more sinister (陰險的) side to Halloween.


  化妝晚會 Fancy dress party


  Halloween is probably our busiest time of year, so we've been preparing for it for about a month now, ordering stuff in. We've got extra make-up (化妝品), blood (血), vomit (嘔吐物), pus (化膿的傷口), slime (粘液), all the usual things. The masks (面具) are just an arrangement of scary things: werewolves (狼人), skulls (骷髏頭), scary clowns (恐怖的小丑) – pretty much sold out – the red devil (惡魔), very popular. The thing that has been really selling this year is our zombie kit (殭屍套裝). Another big seller (暢銷商品) is vampire fangs (吸血鬼的尖牙), very big.



  南瓜派 Pumpkin Pie


  熱蘋果酒 Hot Apple Cider


重陽節用英文怎麼說 重陽節用英語怎麼表示

  重陽節用英文怎麼說 重陽節用英語怎麼表示

  重陽節的英文是Double Ninth Festival。相關例句為:Huizhou folk have the custom of mountaineering and flying kites in Double Ninth Festival.(惠州民間重陽節有登高和放風箏的習俗)。農曆九月初,二九相重,稱為重九,九是陽數,故重九亦叫重陽。


  1、Climbing Mountains(登高)

  People like to climb mountains on this festival, so Double Ninth Festival is alsocalled “Mountain-climbing Festival ".

  The 9th lunar month,with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time forsightseeing. So people, both ancient and present, love to go sightseeing this month.


  Apart from expelling bad luck and disasters,climbing mounting also indicates"climbing to a higher position”, and it is also an important reason why ancientpeople pay much attention about this custom. Another reason that climbingmountains are valued by people, especially by the elderly is that is has a meaning of"climb to a longevous life” . Also for this reason people believe that climbingmountains can make people live a more longevous life.


  2、wearing Dogwood(插茱萸)

  The dogwood is a species of evergreen arbor; it is heavy-scented plant whosefruit is edible and stock and leaves can be medicinal materials. They can expelinsects, get rid of the humidity, help digestion and cure inner heat. It puts out purpleflowers in spring and bears, in autumn, purplish-brown fruit that is sour, puckery andmild in nature.


  3、Enjoying Chrysanthemum Flowers(賞菊花)

  Chrysanthemum originated in China and was recorded in some Chinese booksas early as the 5th century B.C. Chrysanthemum blossom in the ninth lunar monthhave a beautiful name of“flower of longevity" .


  4、Eating Double Ninth Cake(吃重陽糕)

  The Double Ninth cake is also known as"chrysanthemum cake”or “flowercake” . It dates back to the Zhou Dynasty. It is said that the cake was originallyprepared after autumn harvests for farmers to have a taste of what was just inseason, and it gradually grew into the present cake for people to eat on the DoubleNinth Day.


  5、Drinking Chrysanthemum Flower Wine(飲菊花酒)

  The chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing. In ancient times , peopleusually picked fresh chrysanthemum flowers and leaves on the 9th of the 9th lunarmonth, and brewed the mixture of them and grains into the wine, which would notbe drunk until the same day next year.The wine is said to have wholesome effectson sharpness of the eye, alleviation of headache, drop of hypertension, reduction ofweight and removal of stomach trouble, thus contributing to longevity. It is said thatthe drinkers of the chrysanthemum wine would be free from evil and have strongphysique against cold weather.


萬聖節的習俗英文版 英文介紹萬聖節的風俗習慣

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