


  1、《the day you went away》,這首英文歌曲調甜美,適合嗓音清澈的女生演唱,也有相應的中文版本哦,喜歡的朋友可以搜一下,名字叫《第一次愛的人》。

  The day you went away-M2M

  Well I wonder could it be ?

  When I was dreaming about you baby.

  You were dreaming of me.

  Call me crazy.

  Call me blind.

  To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.

  Did I lose my love to someone better.

  And does she love you like I do.

  I do,you know I really really do.

  Well hey.

  So much I need to say.

  Been lonely since the day.

  The day you went away.

  So sad but true.

  For me theres only you.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  I remember date and time.

  September twenty second Sunday twenty five after nine.

  In the doorway with your case.

  No longer shouting at each other.

  There were tears on our faces.

  And we were letting go of something special.

  Something well never have again.

  I know,I guess I really really know.

  Well hey.

  So much I need to say.

  Been lonely since the day.

  The day you went away.

  So sad but true.

  For me theres only you.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.

  Did I lose my love to someone better

  And does she love you like I do.

  I do,you know Im really really do.

  Well hey.

  So much I need to say.

  Been lonely since the day.

  The day you went away.

  So sad but true.

  For me theres only you.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  Why do we never know what weve got till its gone?

  How could I carry on?

  The day you went away.

  Cause Ive been missing you so much I have to say.

  Been crying since the day.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.

  The day you went away.


  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  Youre so fine, I want you mine, Youre so delicious

  I think about you all the time, Youre so addictive

  Dont you know what I can do to make you feel all right?

  Dont pretend, I think you know Im damn precious

  And hell yeah, Im the mother fucking princess

  I can tell you like me too, and you know Im right

  Shes like, so whatever

  You can do so much better

  I think we should get together now

  And thats what everyones talking about

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  I can see the way, I see the way you look at me

  And even when you look away, I know you think of me

  I know you talk about me all the time again and again

  (And again, and again, and again)

  So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear

  Or better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear

  I dont wanna hear you say her name ever again

  (And again, and again, and again)


  Shes like so whatever

  You can do so much better

  I think we should get together now

  And thats what everyones talking about

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  In a second youll be wrapped around my finger

  Cause I can, cause I can do it better

  Theres no other, so whens it gonna sink in

  Shes so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

  In a second youll be wrapped around my finger

  Cause I can, cause I can do it better

  Theres no other, so whens it gonna sink in

  Shes so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I dont like your girlfriend

  No way! No way!

  I think you need a new one

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I could be your girlfriend

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I know that you like me

  No way! No way!

  You know its not a secret

  Hey! Hey! You! You!

  I want to be your girlfriend


  3、《Trouble is a friend》,Lenka 的作品,旋律簡單,歌詞詼諧,道出了許多年輕朋友的心聲,強烈推薦啊。

  Trouble will find you no mater where you go oh oh

  No Matter if youre fast no matter if youre slow oh oh

  The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn oh oh

  Your fine for a while but then start to loose control

  Hes there in the dark

  Hes there in my heart

  He waits in the winds

  Hes gotta play a part

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh

  Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe oh oh

  And no matter what

  I feed him he always seems to grow oh oh

  He sees what I see and he knows what I know oh oh

  So dont forget as you ease on down the road

  Hes there in the dark

  Hes there in my heart

  He waits in the winds

  Hes gotta play a part

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh

  So dont be alarmed if he takes you by the arm

  I wont let him win but Im a sucker for his charm

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine Oh oh

  Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel

  And how I try to make him leave I try

  Oh Oh I try

  Hes there in the dark

  Hes there in my heart

  He waits in the winds

  Hes gotta play a part

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine oh oh

  So dont be alarmed if he takes you by the arm

  I wont let him win but Im a sucker for his charm

  Trouble is a friend

  Yeah trouble is a friend of mine Oh oh


  1、《baiThe show》、《duTwo》、《sunshine girl》、《zhidaoTrouble Is a Friend》、《You Will be Mine》

  2、《Force of Nature》、《Everything At Once》、《Heart Skips a Beat》

  3、《Live Like Youre Dying》、《Skipalong》、《Knock Knock》、《Maybe I Love You》

  4、《Roll With the Punches》、《Dont Let Me Fall》、《Cat Piano》、《Better Off》

  5、《Shitty Day》、《Tik Tok》、《The Opportunity Fair》、《I could be the one》

  6、《Tell Me Why》、《Walk Me Home》、《巧克力牛奶》、《考試什麼的都去死吧》、《夜車》

  7、《baby sister》、《思念是一種病》、《Weihnachtslied》


  1、《she》、《God is A girl》,歌手是Groove Coverage,她的這兩首也是很好聽的,英文單詞都是很常見的,所以很好學的,適合女孩子唱。

  2、《Trouble Is A Friend》歌手是Lenka,相信玩過QQ炫舞的人對這首歌一定不陌生。這首歌旋律簡單輕柔好唱,而且好像過了幾年都不過時。

  3、西域男孩的《My Love》、《You Raise Me Up》,適合男孩子唱的英文歌,當然這兩首女孩子唱應該也是蠻好聽的。


  5、《Sunshine Girl》是日本樂隊Moumoon的第8支單曲,在2010年5月12日發行。此歌是電視上強打的資生堂ANESSA廣告歌曲。該歌曲是《滾蛋吧!腫瘤君》電影插曲。旋律輕快優美,歌詞簡單易學。


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