


  1、Dear Mr.Jack,I am writing to invite you to ( come to )the English Corner.It's our great honor if you will come. I am looking forward to hearing your reply.your sincerely。



  1、Dear ***(填人名)。

  2、Nice to meet you again by letter.I am so excited to tell you something about my vacation on May day holiday。

  3、I went to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum with my parents. It's so interesting here,the most attraction is the 3D cinema which can bring you to explore the vivid science world。

  4、I sincerely to invited you to Shanghai and go there again.I promise that it will give you a happy experience。

  5、Best Wishes。


  1、I am outgoing personality, willing to help others, work carefully, serious and responsible. At the same time, be good at observation of things, good at collecting data analysis. Also like to interact with others, love life. Learning ability, hard work, and constantly ask ourselves, to improve their own. During the University also actively participate in volunteer activities, and with the team to carry out good interaction, with good communication skills, the people also have more patience and confidence, and the courage to accept the challenge of fresh things. In the life,I also like to improve the sense of humor to improve the tension and the busy pace of life and work in the future is full of expectations and dreams.


  2、I love learning, serious and serious work attitude, strong sense of responsibility, have a good teamwork. Have a good analytical, problem-solving thinking. To innovation, to solve customer needs, safeguarding the interests of the company for the purpose. To accept the challenges and greater development platform.

  Honest, steady, diligent, positive, has rich experience in large and medium-sized enterprise management,a strong team management, good communication and coordination of organizational capacity, keen insight, self-confidence is my charm.I have a good image and temperament,a healthy body and optimistic spirit so that I can threw himself into the work.

  I am lively and cheerful personality, and people live in harmony, have a strong communication skills. During the school as the monitor post, several times to plan the implementation of several large-scale activities, has a strong organizational capacity and coordination, and has good physical fitness. In many social practice, pay attention to the community to learn a wealth of experience,a serious and responsible work.





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