



  Just over half the summer vacation, but I was looking forward to the school. With the last term when looking forward to summer vacation has just on the contrary, instead it feel in the school life is interesting, you know, my summer vacation is too dull, insipid to like a cup in a glass of plain boiled water.

  Through the glass, can see at a glance, inside just boiled water, no red wine goblet of imagination. To say how dull, please listen to me to slowly.

  I at eight o clock on time nature to wake in the morning, after the wash and dress, have breakfast with my father and mother. The breakfast is no imagination, the content of the milk, eggs and bread. Sometimes dad will buy soy milk and Fried dough sticks, this also let me feel very surprise, eating a will and there is a, I feel very have a taste.

  At the same time to have breakfast, I silently suffers from my mothers nagging, nagging me dont surf the Internet to play games all day, nagging, I want to review your lessons more, nagging me on academic classes. Occasionally, dad and I will speak some current affairs and jokes, it will arouse desire to speak to me, my father and I can talk slowly and often, this eat breakfast also can let my mood suddenly enlightened.

  After mom and dad to go out, I a person at home more boring, feel mothers nagging at this time is not the most boring, the most boring of is a hand holding a mouse, but dont know what to do in the face of the computer screen. Play some boring game, practicing blame, upgrade, do the task in time, dont play games, eyes staring at the small penguin design, expecting to have a classmate or friend through QQ, saying hello to me.

  Occasionally think of QQ drops sound energy let me does it one brace up, double-click to open, only to find that is the advertising system, at this moment my mood will be more low, disappointment.

  Have lunch at noon, I went to grandmas, though grandma love for me, but she do the food is not my cup of tea. Sometimes, called on the two friends, dine out together, occasionally to eat a pizza, or Kentucky Fried chicken, I feel its a food in the world.

  In the afternoon, Ill do some work to do during the summer vacation, brush up on my homework and read some books, these are nothing new, I couldnt put his enthusiasm, I can only do it seriously completed.

  In the evening, the most like is dad took me to go swimming, swimming is cool, and fun, the happiest thing is my summer vacation. But dad, work is very busy, cant often go to, my mother does not rest assured I a person to go swimming, I can only look forward to looking forward to fathers work is not so busy.

  Looking forward to looking forward to, summer vacation is over half, I hope that boring summer vacation go quickly.














  1、This is my summer vacation. I intend to finish the operation. Then, take a look at Chinas famous novel. Look at some day. Of course,I also want to play with the computer, watch TV. Early every morning to get up and go to running, do other sports. It is conducive to our body! But one thing should not be forgotten. I must help parents do the housework! What do my holiday arrangements like?




  My Summer holiday is coming. I am veryhappy because I can do many things.

  First,I must do my homework and read somebooks.

  Second,I am going to go on a trip.I will goto Su Zhou.My aunt lives in it.There are many rivers and old buildings there.Ilike Su Zhou very much.

  Third,I am going to swim with myfamily.

  I think swimming is good for my health.

  It will be an interestingSummerholiday.









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