

2023父親節祝福語 英語簡短的節日祝福語父親節


  1. father,yourholidaytoday,Iputthoughtsintothemindsofcountlessinfiniteblessings,silentlyprayforyou,Iwishyouhealthandhappiness!

  2. IwishHappyFather'sDay!Youreffort,youhopeandpray,kyou,Dad.

  3. Dearfather,Iwishyouahappyholiday!anbringyoutheblessingsofahealthysource,Iwouldliketoprayforyoudayandnight.

  4. Father,stalwartsuchasCastle;holy,suchassnowandice;warmasthesun!BroadasJianghaiIgrewupinhisfather'slove,andnowFather'sDayapproaching,Iwishallfathersahappyholiday!

  5. Youalwaysgivemeacaringgaze,youoftensaythathappinessisthechild'day,Ibroughtasmile,ablessing,allowingyoupeaceofmind.

  6. Dad!Youareatree,Ileanedonyouhaveadream,Iwasleaningagainstyourlush,Ileanedonyoumoremature,Ileanedonyoutobemorecalm.

  7. Happy Father's Day to you!

  8. I hope you know how proud I am of you, father. Happy Father's Day! Happiness always!

  9. Congratulate you on Father's Day!

  10. With warm wishes for Father's Day!

  11. I hope everything goes well.

  12. May all your wishes come true!

  13. throughmountainsandrivers,atthefootoftherough;experienceupsanddowns,butalsosearching;busylife,togetmoreorlesslostbitbybit,itisimportanttowishahappyFather'sDayHappy!!

  14. autumngivingdeepthought,likefatherlikeautumnfragrant,leftusatreasureofdiscernmentisthoughtfulphilosophers,therewasacalmlifeskillscreed,Father'sDayapproaching,Iwishallfathersahappyholiday.

  15. Father'sDaytosendhisfatheracoatinfrontofpeace,followedbyhappiness,Geelyisthecollar,sleevesRuyiis,happinessisthebuttonandletiteverydaywithmyfather,Iwishhisfatherahappyholiday.

  16. I am glad that you are my dad.

  17. This is for all the things that you have done for me.

  18. I made a present for you. I hope you like it.

  19. The annual day you, in the absence of time around I hope that too happily every seconds. Father, worked hard!

  20. likeavoice,abreezeblewtherain,anapPciationDan,isdottedwithstarsmoonlight,drunkascentisfilledwithfragrantorchids,blessmyfriendwaslaughingSMSyou,IwishmyfatherHappyDay!

  21. Brothersisnotnecessarilyreasonable,butsomeintimateknowledgemeaning;notnecessarilyinseparable,butcertainlyHeartXiangxi;donotnecessarilyregularcontact,hHappyFather'sDay!

  22. tracecoupling,afate,traceofcare,aconcern,afriendship,aheart,amessage,agreeting,I,friends,adesire,wishyouhappyeveryday,Father'sDay,Iwishthebestofluck!


  24. May happiness in countless ways fill every moment of your holiday.

  25. Happy Father's Day to you, my dear father! Thank you for everything you've done for me!

  26. appy Fathers Day to an extraordinary father!I love you so much!


  28. Have the best Father’s Day ever.

  29. Angelmetyesterdayintherain,Ilentherumbrella,sheaskedmetogloryremainstoberich,Idonotsayanything,aslongasthefatherofautologoushealthy,happylifeinhislateryears,IwisheveryoneahappyFather'sDay!

  30. Youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.

  31. Wish beloved father good health, great happiness and good luck in everything on the coming Father's Day!


  33. You are the best dad in the world.

  34. willalwaysremember,handsonmyshoulders,whenthewindblows,howwarm;Iwillrememberforever,Igrewupwithback,intomyfather'syearsofworry-freehappywishyouahappyfather,holiday!!

  35. Father,indeedIparticularlyadoreyou,youknow?

  36. yourfirmmakemestrong,youmakemerelaxedtolerance,Dad,Iwishyougoodmoodeveryday!Iwishahappyholiday!

  37. fatherasamountain,myfatheriswillingtohealthsuchaspine,wishahappyholiday!

  38. Dad,areyoutotellmewideseaping,hahappyholiday!

  39. Wish you a happy Father's Day and the best of everything!

  40. The lucky star shines bright!




  Dad, it's you who make me have a broader sky, and it's you who make me see higher and farther. Happy holidays!

  2. 爸爸,你在我心中永遠是最好的。節日快樂!

  Dad, you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays!

  3. 爸爸,您是咱家的頂樑柱,您的快樂就是全家人的快樂。父親節到了,在這個重要的節日裡,我約一縷清風求上天保佑父親永遠健康、幸福、快樂!

  Dad, you are the pillar of our house, your happiness is the happiness of the family. The father's day, in this important holiday, about a wisp of breeze for god to bless my father health, happiness, happiness forever!

  4. 出了遠門,才發現父愛在身旁是那麼溫暖;嚐遍山珍海味,卻覺您親自下廚飯菜最香;父親,您在我的心中很重要的;送上祝福,祝您父親節快樂!

  Out of the town, only to find that a father in the side is so warm; Tasted delicacies, but feel you cook the food the most fragrant; Father, you are in my heart is very important; Congratulations, I wish you a happy father's day!

  5. 我永遠都不會忘記,那寬厚的雙手,有多麼溫暖;我永遠不會忘記,那高大的背影,有多麼堅強;您用歲月換來我無憂的歡樂,爸爸!父親節快樂!

  I will never forget, that kind of hands, how warm; I will never forget, that the tall figure, how strong, The joy of the time are you going to use for my easy, dad! Happy father's day!

  6. 如果一片樹葉代表快樂我送你一片森林;如果一滴水代表一個祝福,我送你一個東海;如果一顆流星代表一份幸福,我送你一條銀河,祝父親節開心!

  If a leaf represent happy I send you a forest; If a drop of water represents a blessing, I send you a in the east China sea; If a meteor represents a happiness, I send you a Milky Way, I wish happy father's day!

  7. 鷹,就該搏擊長空,魚,就要遊向大海,時間流轉年輪增,創造自己天和地,雖然相離勝相見,父親大愛駐心間,父親節到送祝願,願您永遠笑開顏。

  Eagle, you should fight the sky, fish will swim to the sea, time passed rings, create their own heaven and earth, while the phase from meet, father's love in heart, father's day to send wish, wish you happy forever.

  8. 爸爸,這是我們最珍貴的默契和回憶!

  Dad, this is our most precious tacit understanding and memory!

  9. 父愛是光,照亮前進道路。

  Father's love is light, illuminating the way forward.

  10. 爸爸,您是我心中的驕傲,我願意生生世世做您的女兒,祝您父親節快樂!Dad, you are the pride of my heart. I would like to be your daughter all my life. Happy Father's Day to you!

  11. 您為了家庭和兒女付出太多,無論如何我也難以報答您的深恩。You have paid so much for your family and children that I can't repay you for your kindness in any case.

  12. 父愛如月,在夜裡為我們點亮前進的道路。

  Father's love is like the moon, lighting the way forward for us at night.

  13. 爸爸,謝謝你,辛苦地將我培育。

  Thank you, Dad, for your hard work in nurturing me.

  14. 快意十分呈福祿,樂祈萬事盡意如!藏頭詩藏得住含義,卻藏不住情感。在父親節之際,還是那句老話:感謝父親,祝您快樂!

  Pleasure is a blessing, le qi all the mind such as! Orz poetry hidden meaning, but hide feelings. On father's day, is an old saying goes: thank you father, I wish you happiness!

  15. 你看到這條簡訊時,我的心正在為你祈禱,祈禱你心中充滿幸福,祈禱天使永遠在你身邊,祈禱你的未來無憂無慮,祝父親節快樂。

  When you see this message, my heart is praying for you and pray for your heart is full of happiness, prayer angel by your side, always pray for your future carefree, happy father's day.

  16. 您的身材並不魁梧,但您是我的山,給我依靠;您的思緒並不廣闊,但您是我的翅,帶我飛翔。謝謝您,親愛的爸爸,父親節快樂!

  Your figure is not large, but you are my mountain, give me rely on; Your mind is not wide, but you are my wings, take me fly. Thank you, my dear father, happy father's day!

  17. 父愛如天,給我們遮擋風雨;父愛如地,給我們澆灌希望;父愛如山,給我們堅實依靠。今天是父親節,祝福所有父親永遠健康幸福!

  Father love, such as day, keep out wind and rain to us; Father love, such as, to pour out our hope; The father loves the mountain, solid to rely on to us. Today is father's day, wish all the father healthy and happy forever!

  18. 話語不在於多,祝福不會少;問候不在多,關心常相隨;爸爸要求不多,今有兒女祝願就行。父親節,願天下兒女都別忘記祝福爸爸。

  Discourse is not much, blessing not less; The greeting is not much, care often along; Dad asked few, now has children wish. Father's day, wish all the children don't forget to bless daddy.

  19. 母愛深似海,父愛重如山。拳拳赤子心,遙遙白髮牽。親恩三春暉,照我一生暖。飲水常思源,路遠寄思念。父親節,惟願老爸人康安。

  A mother's love deep as the sea, the father loves the mountain again. , my moth-er long hair pulling. Their parents three chunhui, according to warm my life. The road is the drinking water source, often missing. Father's day, but let dad koan.

  20. 子孝父心寬。老爸,我一定會孝順您的,節日快樂!

  Otimista son filial piety parent. Dad, I will be filial piety you, festival happiness!

  21. 老爸,我給你找來你喜歡聽的那首曲子了,祝老爸開心!

  Dad, I will give you find you like to listen to the song, I wish dad happy!

  22. 你是雄鷹,我是小鳥;你是大樹,我是小草;你是我老爸,我是你的那個特調皮搗蛋的孩子,今天特意發簡訊給您過節呢!祝您節日快樂!

  You are an eagle, I am a bird; You are a big tree, I am the grass; You are my dad, I'm your the naughty children, today specially sent text messages to your holidays! I wish you a happy holiday!

  23. 您勤勞的雙手是播種機,收穫生活的累累碩果;明亮的雙眼是攝像頭,見證五彩的繽紛世界;父親節,祝願所有的父親健康平安,幸福快樂!

  You are industrious hands seeder, reap the fruits of the life; Bright eyes is the camera, witness colorful colorful world; Father's day, wish all the father health peace, happiness!

  24. 當你的手臂已舉不起我長大了的身體,當我已不再是那個在你身邊蹦跳的小娃,但你仍然是我願意依靠的大山,永不倒塌,爸爸,祝您節日快樂!

  When your arm has lift I grown up in the body, when I was no longer the bounced around you little Eva, but you still is my willing to rely on the mountain, never collapsed, dad, I wish you a happy holiday!

  25. 我的祝福就像山泉水,洗去您滿臉的塵與灰;我的祝福像芭蕉扇,扇去您滿頭的汗;我的祝福像綠豆湯,解暑消夏給你帶清涼!祝父親節日快樂!

  My blessing is like a mountain spring, wash your face to dust and ashes; My blessing, like palm leaf fan, fan to you profuse sweat; My blessing, like green bean soup, good summer to bring you cool and refreshing! I wish my father a happy holiday!

  26. 你的腳步,指引我的方向;你的堅強,給我生活的力量;你的期盼,叫我勇敢前闖;父親節到,叫你一聲老爸,你辛苦啦!我一定不會叫你失望。

  Your footsteps, guide me direction; Strong, you give me the power of life; Your hope, I brave go before; To the father's day, call you know dad, you hard! I won't let you down.

  27. 父親是個神聖的稱謂,他意味著責任;父愛是種莊重的情感,他肩負著諾言。父親節來臨之即,與一切剛剛成為父親或即將成為父親的朋友共勉。

  His father is a sacred title, he means responsibility; A father is a kind of serious emotional, he is shouldering the promise. Father's day is approaching, and everything has just become father or soon to be father's friend '.

  28. 從您的眼裡看見鼓勵與希冀;從您的嘴角聽見教誨和規勸;從您的手上感覺到幫助與支援,從您的心底感受到慈愛與祝福。親愛的爸爸,父親節快樂!

  From your eyes see the encouragement and hope; Heard from your mouth teachings and counsel; Feel the help and support from your hands, feel the love and blessings from your heart. Dear dad, happy father's day!

  29. 家裡有了您,變得安全舒適;母親有了你,變得幸福美麗;孩兒有了你,變得如此多姣。爸爸,父親節來了,送上我的祝福,祝您節日快樂,永遠健康!

  Have you in the home, be safe and comfortable; Mother with you, becomes happiness beautiful; The child within you so much good. Father, father's day is coming, send you my blessing, wish your festival happiness, health forever!

  30. 父親節到,願父親:不要太累,身體重要;不要憂鬱,心情重要,不要傷心,開心重要,只有父親健康,才是兒女的福,祝父親,身體健康,每天開心。

  To the father's day, wish father: don't too tired, the body is important; Don't sad, the mood is important, don't be sad, happy is important, only father health, is the children's blessing, I wish father, healthy body, happy every day.

  31. 爸爸,你在我心裡最最偉大!

  Dad, you are in my heart most great!

  32. 爸爸,你在我心中永遠是最好的。

  Dad, you in my heart forever is the best.

  33. 我最親愛的爸爸,我愛你,父親節快樂!

  My dearest father, I love you, Happy Father's Day!

  34. 父愛像夏日小雨,絲絲給予你我涼爽。

  Father's love is like summer rain, silk gives you and me cool.

  35. 賞賞最美的霞光,願父親健健康康。

  Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine. May father be healthy and healthy.

  36. 不覺心酸珠淚淋,父愛偉大難報答。

  Father's love is great and hard to repay.

  37. 父親節了,說聲愛您,像您愛著我!

  Father's Day, say love you, like you love me!

  38. 骨肉相連,血濃於水!老爸,我愛你!

  Bones and flesh are joined, blood is thicker than water! Dad, I love you!

  39. 是您,給我一個家,讓我不懼風雨來襲。

  It's you, give me a home, let me not fear the storm.

  40. 父兮生我,母兮鞠我,撫我,畜我,長我,育我,顧我,復我。

  Father begets me, mother bows me, caresses me, livestock me, grows me, raises me, cares for me, restores me.

  41. 爸爸,你在我心中永遠是最好。節日快樂!

  Dad, you in my heart forever is the best. A happy holiday!

  42. 爸爸、媽媽,祝你們身體永遠健康,天天快樂。

  Mom and dad, I wish you good health forever, happy every day.

  43. 爸爸的愛就像秋天的太陽,溫暖踏實而又不刺眼。

  Father's love is like the autumn sun, warm steadfast and not dazzling.

  44. 女兒對父親的感激是無法言語的,謝謝你,爸爸!

  Daughter of father's gratitude is beyond words, thank you, dad!

  45. 獻給您無限的感激和溫馨的祝願,祝您父親節快樂!

  For you the infinite gratitude and warmest wishes, happy father's day!

  46. 敬愛的爸爸,父親節快樂,祝福您歲歲愉快,年年如意。

  Dear dad, happy father's day, wish you happiness, happy year after year.

  47. 爸爸,您讓我擁有了更廣闊的天空,您讓我看得更高、更遠。

  Dad, you let me have a broader the sky, you let me see higher and further.

  48. 是您指引我走出第一步,幫助我找到以後的路,謝謝您,爸爸!

  Is your guide me out of the first step, help me to find the way to future, thank you, dad!

  49. 咬定青山不放鬆,父親,堅定若您,勇敢若您,我深深地愛您。

  Maintain castle peak does not relax, father, if you, if you are brave, I deeply love you.

  50. 爸爸,是您讓我擁有了更廣闊的天空,是您讓我看得更高、更遠。

  Dad, is you let me have a broader the sky, is you let me see higher and further.

  51. 爸,請您記得我的牽掛。為我保重身體,祝您節日愉快!

  Dad, would you please remember me. Take good care of yourself for me, I wish you a happy holiday!

  52. 您的付出、您的祈盼,只為我們的成長。謝謝您,爸爸。

  Your pay, your hope, only for our growth. Thank you, dad.

  53. 老爸,心中永遠是最有型,最棒的父親,祝您父親節快樂!

  Dad, in the heart forever is the most type, the best father, I wish you a happy father's day!

  54. 天意憐幽草,人間重晚晴。祝老爸節日快樂,身體永遠健康!

  Providence flow zina, heavy yat sen villa in the world. I wish dad festival happiness, good health forever!

  55. 父親嚴肅的臉容和他的誠摯的愛卻時時伴隨著我,激勵著我。

  Father serious face and his sincere love it always with me, inspire me.

  56. 老爸,你在我心中永遠是最有型,最棒的父親,祝您父親節快樂!

  Dad, you will always be in my heart the most type, the best father, I wish you a happy father's day!

  57. 爸爸,非您讓我具有了更廣闊的地空,非您讓我看得更上、更近。

  Dad, you let me have a wider air, not you let me see more and more close.

  58. 您的付出、您的祈盼,只為我生長。謝謝您,爸爸,父親節快樂!

  Your pay, your hope, only for my growth. Thank you, dad, happy father's day!

  59. 操勞的您歇歇吧,讓兒女們儘儘孝心,為您捶捶背,讓您享享福!

  Work you rest yourself, let their children to the best of filial piety, fills back for you, I will let you!

  60. 雖然您不輕易表露,但我知道您一直都在關心著我。謝謝您,爸爸!

  Although you don't show, but I know that you have been concerned about me. Thank you, dad!



  1. father,yourholidaytoday,Iputthoughtsintothemindsofcountlessinfiniteblessings,silentlyprayforyou,Iwishyouhealthandhappiness!

  2. IwishHappyFather'sDay!Youreffort,youhopeandpray,kyou,Dad.

  3. Dearfather,Iwishyouahappyholiday!anbringyoutheblessingsofahealthysource,Iwouldliketoprayforyoudayandnight.

  4. Father,stalwartsuchasCastle;holy,suchassnowandice;warmasthesun!BroadasJianghaiIgrewupinhisfather'slove,andnowFather'sDayapproaching,Iwishallfathersahappyholiday!

  5. Youalwaysgivemeacaringgaze,youoftensaythathappinessisthechild'day,Ibroughtasmile,ablessing,allowingyoupeaceofmind.

  6. Dad!Youareatree,Ileanedonyouhaveadream,Iwasleaningagainstyourlush,Ileanedonyoumoremature,Ileanedonyoutobemorecalm.

  7. Happy Father's Day to you!

  8. I hope you know how proud I am of you, father. Happy Father's Day! Happiness always!

  9. Congratulate you on Father's Day!

  10. With warm wishes for Father's Day!

  11. I hope everything goes well.

  12. May all your wishes come true!

  13. throughmountainsandrivers,atthefootoftherough;experienceupsanddowns,butalsosearching;busylife,togetmoreorlesslostbitbybit,itisimportanttowishahappyFather'sDayHappy!!

  14. autumngivingdeepthought,likefatherlikeautumnfragrant,leftusatreasureofdiscernmentisthoughtfulphilosophers,therewasacalmlifeskillscreed,Father'sDayapproaching,Iwishallfathersahappyholiday.

  15. Father'sDaytosendhisfatheracoatinfrontofpeace,followedbyhappiness,Geelyisthecollar,sleevesRuyiis,happinessisthebuttonandletiteverydaywithmyfather,Iwishhisfatherahappyholiday.

  16. I am glad that you are my dad.

  17. This is for all the things that you have done for me.

  18. I made a present for you. I hope you like it.

  19. The annual day you, in the absence of time around I hope that too happily every seconds. Father, worked hard!

  20. likeavoice,abreezeblewtherain,anapPciationDan,isdottedwithstarsmoonlight,drunkascentisfilledwithfragrantorchids,blessmyfriendwaslaughingSMSyou,IwishmyfatherHappyDay!

  21. Brothersisnotnecessarilyreasonable,butsomeintimateknowledgemeaning;notnecessarilyinseparable,butcertainlyHeartXiangxi;donotnecessarilyregularcontact,hHappyFather'sDay!

  22. tracecoupling,afate,traceofcare,aconcern,afriendship,aheart,amessage,agreeting,I,friends,adesire,wishyouhappyeveryday,Father'sDay,Iwishthebestofluck!


  24. May happiness in countless ways fill every moment of your holiday.

  25. Happy Father's Day to you, my dear father! Thank you for everything you've done for me!

  26. appy Fathers Day to an extraordinary father!I love you so much!


  28. Have the best Father’s Day ever.

  29. Angelmetyesterdayintherain,Ilentherumbrella,sheaskedmetogloryremainstoberich,Idonotsayanything,aslongasthefatherofautologoushealthy,happylifeinhislateryears,IwisheveryoneahappyFather'sDay!

  30. Youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.

  31. Wish beloved father good health, great happiness and good luck in everything on the coming Father's Day!


  33. You are the best dad in the world.

  34. willalwaysremember,handsonmyshoulders,whenthewindblows,howwarm;Iwillrememberforever,Igrewupwithback,intomyfather'syearsofworry-freehappywishyouahappyfather,holiday!!

  35. Father,indeedIparticularlyadoreyou,youknow?

  36. yourfirmmakemestrong,youmakemerelaxedtolerance,Dad,Iwishyougoodmoodeveryday!Iwishahappyholiday!

  37. fatherasamountain,myfatheriswillingtohealthsuchaspine,wishahappyholiday!

  38. Dad,areyoutotellmewideseaping,hahappyholiday!

  39. Wish you a happy Father's Day and the best of everything!

  40. The lucky star shines bright!


  2021端午節祝福語英語簡短   1、一顆心遷掛著你,一份愛祝福著你,一份真感情在等待著你的回應。祝端午節快樂!   A heart hangs on you, a love bless you, a true feeling is waiting for your response. Happy Dra ...


  2021端午節祝福語英語簡短的   1. I say: to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   2. May I can put the best blessing to you, and wish Dragon Boat ...

立春節氣祝福 立春簡短溫馨祝福

  立春節氣祝福語 立春簡短溫馨祝福   1、立春一到暖風吹,吹散孤獨的殘雲,融化憂愁的冰堆;立春一到精神好,心情舒暢萬事順,事業有成春滿園!立春來臨之際,祝願你沐浴春風,春風得意!   2、春風陣陣拂面來,大地回春春滿園。春雨絲絲潤萬物,花草吐翠生機現。人迎春光無限美,春意濃濃情相牽。簡訊一條問候傳,真情就 ...

聖誕節賀簡短祝福怎麼寫 聖誕祝福幽默怎麼寫

  知道嗎?聖誕是一個充滿驚喜的節日,馬上就是聖誕節了,祝福語怎麼說呢?一起來關注下吧!下面是小編為大家帶來的有關聖誕節賀語最簡短的祝福語(120句),希望大家喜歡!   聖誕節賀語   1、朋友,聖誕到了,願你歡樂滿懷,幸福無限!   2、願你聖誕樂開懷,一生健康快樂伴!   3、送你一棵聖誕樹,願望實現樂 ...

母親節賀卡祝福內容簡短 母親節祝福怎麼寫

  母親節是每年5月的第二個星期天,2021年的母親節即將到來。別忘了送一束漂亮的花和一些溫馨的祝福給你的媽媽。今天小編給大家整理了2021母親節賀卡祝福語內容簡短供大家參考,我們一起來看看吧!   母親節賀卡內容   1、母親節來到,願母親永遠健康,一生幸福!   2、母親節到了,願媽媽身體健康,青春永駐! ...


  1、你的勤奮有目共睹,你的努力眾所周知,只願每份努力都有收穫的喜悅,每次付出都有回報的時刻。特送你五一勞動獎章一枚,祝你快樂的走向成功!   2、手機震動是心跳,鈴聲響起要微笑,簡訊代表多關照,電話問候常來到,每天為你在祈禱,憂愁煩惱全拋掉,幸福生活好運罩,健康快樂在圍繞。五一勞動節快樂!   3、翹首抬 ...


  1、祝你這個工作的打樁機,家庭的取款機,的洗衣機,勤奮的掃地機,人見人愛的不勞動不舒服斯基節日快樂!再忙再累也要注意身體哦。勞動節快樂。   2、你理想,幻想,夢想,心想事成;公事,私事,心事,事事稱心;財路,運路,人生路,路路暢通;晴天,陰天,風雨天,天天好心情!祝你五一勞動節快樂!   3、老公,工作 ...