


  1、while couplet posted on it. Couplet looked at the site, as if I saw the prosperity of the motherland, to see if the motherland is in the spring So vibrant, but also to see if the mothers life of the people happy, they are better today for the motherland and Acura. At this moment, I can not help Recitation of this couplet from: The motherland spring, more than the well-being of the people. Father then walked over, patted me on the shoulder and said: You write very well, I had more than once. Listening to Dad Dad, Im sweet, I think: this years Spring Festival, it can be really interesting.



  1、In my holiday, I did a lot of things, this holiday, I am very busy, very happy, this is a fun, busy weekend.On Saturday morning, I got up early, I do my homework. In the afternoon, I went to the library, in the reading of a book. In the evening I with my parents watch TV. In the afternoon of Sunday, I with mother go to Jiushan Park, I am very happy to play. In the evening, I play computer games at home.This is a happy holiday, this is my holiday.



  1、My holidays This summer, I was very happy. Although I didn't go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people.In a nursing home, we introduce myself after, began to work for the old people. First of all, we first points groups. Some go to sweeping the floor, others to help old people back on, some with old people, and my sorrows and other friends to help the old man sun wash the quilt.We started, we use the washing powder on the old people on the quilt, rub with the brush and rub, very tired. I understand the mother's hard work. Then, we will bask in the quilt.We stayed for a nursing home in the afternoon, and the old man say good-bye, I have decided to help your parents do some housework more in the future.



  1、美麗的重逢,令人期盼,深深的思念,令人憔悴,遙遠的問候,能暖人心頭,美好的祝願,能如人所願,國慶佳節到,願我的簡訊能給你增添一份節日的快樂!   2、祖國華誕九州歡,男女老少盡開顏。張燈結綵焰火舞,人潮如湧街巷滿。紅旗飄飄鮮花綻,經濟騰飛社會安。祝願祖國更繁榮,美好生活在眼前!   3、燈籠高懸紅旗飄 ...


  1、I like the winter holiday very much.   Though its very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival.I can watch cartoon every day. I neednt go to school frepu ...


  1、I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They areboth seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of theco ...


  關於國慶假期的作文1   今天我們去了動物園,我們看到了很多新奇的動物,我們看到了巨嘴鳥,還看到了很多五彩繽紛的蝴蝶,我們換了一邊的走廊又看到了食火雞,還有很多叫不出名字的鳥。中午的時候我們坐在一起吃點心,吃完點心我們還在動物園裡坐了森林小火車,我們坐在火車上看見了獅子,獅子是母獅子去找吃的,而公獅子先吃 ...


  國慶假期的作文1   今年國慶節是我最快樂的節日。   因為,國慶節那天,媽媽帶我去鄭州公園,一進公園迷人的景色便展現在我們的眼前,有很多蹦蹦跳跳的小猴子,太可愛了。它們有的互相嬉戲,有的在東張西望,還有的在接遊客扔過來的水果和零食。真像《西遊記》裡的那些猴子。   我看見一隻可怕的大老虎,它是白色的;呲 ...


  五一假期的作文1   這個五一假期,我好快樂!爸爸媽媽帶我去揚州領略了瘦西湖的嫵媚風姿。我們是乘坐火車前往的,這可是我們全家第一次坐火車哎!   汽笛一聲長鳴,滿載的火車開動了。窗外,一塊塊青中泛黃的麥田,一排排整齊的樹木,一條條清澈的小溪,……都飛快地消失在我們身後。奇怪,平時看來很不起眼的事物,今天, ...


  西方感恩節的英語作文1   Thanksgiving originated from the United States, which is the forth Thursday of November, but in Canada its the second Monday of October. It ...