




  edelweiss edelweiss。雪絨花,雪絨花。

  every morning you greet me。每日清晨我遇見你。

  small and white, clean and bright。又小又白,又幹淨又晶瑩。

  you look happy to meet me。你看起來看見我很高興。

  blossom of snow may you bloom and grow。含苞待放的雪骨朵,也學你會開花生長。

  bloom and grow forever。開花生長到永遠。

  edelweiss, edelweiss。雪絨花,雪絨花。

  bless my homeland forever。祝願我的祖國春常在。

  small and white, clean and bright。又小又白,又幹淨又晶瑩。

  you look happy to meet me。你看起來看見我很高興。

  blossom of snow may you bloom and grow。含苞待放的雪骨朵,也學你會開花生長。

  bloom and grow forever。開花生長到永遠。

  edelweiss, edelweiss。雪絨花,雪絨花。

  bless my homeland forever。祝願我的祖國春常在。


  1、吻別英文版是《take me to your heart》,填詞:Jascha Richter,譜曲:殷文琦,編曲:Johan Bejerholm,原唱:Michael Learns To Rock。


  hiding from the rain and snow 。

  trying to forget but i won't let go 。

  looking at a crowded street。

  listening to my own heart beat 。

  so many people all around the world 。

  tell me where do i find someone like you girl 。

  take me to your heart take me to your soul 。

  give me your hand before i'm old 。

  show me what love is haven't got a clue

  show me that wonders can be true 。。

  they say nothing lasts forever 。

  we're only here today 。

  love is now or never 。

  bring me far away 。

  take me to your heart take me to your soul 。

  give me your hand and hold me 。

  show me what love is be my guiding star 。

  it's easy take me to your heart。

  standing on a mountain high 。

  looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 。

  i should go and see some friends 。

  but they don't really comprehend 。

  don't need too much talking without saying anything 。

  all i need is someone who makes me wanna sing

  take me to your heart take me to your soul 。。

  give me your hand before i'm old 。

  show me what love is haven't got a clue 。

  show me that wonders can be true 。

  they say nothing lasts forever 。

  we're only here today 。

  love is now or never 。

  bring me far away 。

  take me to your heart take me to your soul 。

  give me your hand and hold me 。

  show me what love is be my guiding star 。

  it's easy take me to your heart 。

  take me to your heart take me to your soul 。

  give me your hand and hold me 。

  show me what love is be my guiding star 。

  it's easy take me to your heart 。


  1、聖誕之歌是《jingle bells》,歌詞如下:

  Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

  叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴兒響叮噹

  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

  我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上

  Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

  叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴兒響叮噹

  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

  我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上

  Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

  叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴兒響叮噹

  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

  我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上

  Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

  叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴兒響叮噹

  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

  我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上

  Dashing thro the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh.

  衝過大風雪 他們坐在雪橇上

  Over the fields we go, laughing all the way.

  賓士過田野 歡笑又歌唱

  Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright,

  鈴聲響叮噹 你的精神多歡暢

  What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.


  Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

  叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴兒響叮噹

  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

  我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上

  Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

  叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴兒響叮噹

  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

  我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上

  A day or two ago, I thought Id take a ride

  在一兩天之前 我想最好外出去遊蕩

  And soon miss fanny bright


  Was seated at my side


  2、《jingle bells》是詹姆斯·羅德·皮爾彭特作詞作曲的一首兒童歌曲,1857年美國波士頓假日學校的學生在教堂有一場感恩節演唱,並很快成為了一首膾炙人口的經典聖誕歌曲。


  1、歌詞及諧音:hiding from the rain and snow咳林風龍熱呢是嘍;trying to forget but i wont let go卷另狙伏給八啦汪的狗;looking at a crowded street 漏坑愛了快了是駒特;listening to my own hear ...


  1、《國際歌》是歐仁·鮑狄埃在1871年作詞的,皮埃爾·狄蓋特於1888年譜曲而成的一首歌曲。   2、歌詞:Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!   Arise, ye wretched of the earth!   For justice thunders conde ...


  1、《吻別》英文版《Take Me To Your Heart》歌詞譯文:   藏身於雨雪之中   努力忘記,但我怎能就這樣離去   看著熙熙攘攘的街道   卻只能聽見自己的心跳   這麼多的人在世界上   請告訴我在哪裡可以找到像你一樣的女孩   將我留存心間   與你的靈魂相伴   給我你的手,在我老 ...


  歌詞:   Edelweiss, edelweiss 雪絨花,雪絨花   Every morning you greet me 清晨迎接我開放   Small and white 小而白   Clean and bright 潔而亮   You look happy to meet me 向我快樂地搖晃 ...


  1、雪絨花中文歌詞   雪絨花,雪絨花   清晨迎接我開放   小而白   潔而亮   向我快樂地搖晃   白雪般的花兒願你芬芳   永遠開花生長   雪絨花,雪絨花   永遠祝福我家鄉   2、《雪絨花》(Edelweiss)是美國電影和音樂劇《音樂之聲》中的著名歌曲,於1959年面世。理查德·羅傑斯作 ...


  1、《吻別》英文歌詞如下:   Hiding from the rain and snow   Trying to forget but I wont let go   Looking at a crowded street   Listening to my own heart beat   So ma ...


  1、雪絨花歌詞:雪絨花,雪絨花,清晨迎接我開放,小而白,潔而亮,向我快樂地搖晃,白雪般的花兒願你芬芳,永遠開花生長,雪絨花,雪絨花,永遠祝福我家鄉。   2、Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white Clean and ...